Wednesday, June 22, 2022

hell's belles, omicron

Well... my luck finally ran out.

Actually, it's more like I got complacent and didn't wear my mask around crowds.


At least this omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 isn't nearly as deadly as the first version, though numbers of thoe hospitalized is on the rise.

Fair warning: have fun, but beware of any around you who are sniffling or coughing or sneezing - that may well be COVID they are sharing, not a summer cold.

I had not noticed anyone doing any of that during the concert, but the out-of-town dad with the three boys was doing plenty of coughing at the baseball circus.

If I had worn my mask the majority of the time, that might have made the difference between me getting it or not.

If he had worn a mask the majority of the time, I would not be sick.

He would have been offering me 95% protection from catching his illness; my mask alone only affords me a third of that protection from him.

In any case, until the Bananas frenzy whipped up by ESPN and "CBS Sunday Morning" and Jesse Cole dies down, I don't think I'll be attending any more games this season.

I already abstained from the one last night because I was just too tired from the "summer cold" I thought I'd had since Sunday.

The house was so hot that I slept with the bedroom window open Saturday night.

I'd awakened Sunday with my sinuses in turmoil and took it to be allergies.

Monday, I started feeling a little feverish, along with my scratchy throat from post-nasal drip - still sounds like a summer cold, right?

But, just to be on the safe side, I took my first-ever COVID test.

That's right, we're well into our third year of pandemic and I only now have ever felt threatened enough to need the test.

Well, that one came out negative.

Only the C (Control) line showed up in the window.

Summer cold, right?

But I still had a bit of a fever (not that I own a thermometer to know my temperature), and I was still having the coughing from the post-nasal drip at night, so I mostly stayed home, save for one foray to help my brother with sales taxes.

By yesterday, the fever seemed to be gone, but the craziness of the sinuses stayed on.

Then came the severe headache last night... like, all night, along with the sinus soreness on the right side of my face and the usual drip and cough... but, it was the headache that got my attention.

I remembered when Christina had COVID, she had complained mightily about the headache, as had several of my friends.

So, before I even had coffee this morning, I did a second COVID test.


Not only the Control line came up, but so did the Test line... and it was undeniable.

I have COVID.


I feel so stupid for letting my guard down.

Now, I need to call my brother and let him know he may now be exposed.

By me.


We'll know by Friday if I've compromised his health.

Hopefully not.

1 comment:

faustina said...

I'm so grateful to have had free COVID test kits at home.

The government, via USPS, is again sending out FREE test kits to people.

This time, they're sending out 8 at a time, instead of 4.

Guess they're preparing for a busy August when school starts again.