Wednesday, June 1, 2022

not a trio, this time

I do hope next week will bring some new movies.
Let me change that a bit.
I do hope next week will bring some new movies I want to see.
Today, I watched a new one, against my better judgement, and was glad when it ended.
I had a moment of hope that it might actually be a musical, when the characters all launched into a (discordant) song, but that was not the case.
"The Bob's Burgers Movie" was still populated with the same crudely-drawn, crudely-voiced, Simpsons-wannabees as the tv show had.
Hard to believe the burgers cartoon has been on for a dozen seasons.
So, I'm done with AMC for this week.
Sure, I've still got an empty slot, so I could go see a flick... but, I won't.
At least I had a second viewing of "Downton Abbey: A New Era" to start it off.

Fortunately, last week was a good one!
It began the same as this week's cycle, then had yet another viewing of "The Bad Guys".
I definitely like that movie!
It has science, it has second chances, it has a wolf wagging his tail!
Every time I watch it, I think about getting a dog into my life, but I already have a J-Dawg and that counts, right?
That AMC A*List got closed out with an older, wiser, Tom Cruise, still grieving for his lost best friend, in "Top Gun: Maverick".
I maintain that it didn't end right, but all the naval scenes were quite realistic.
Will I see it again?
You bet I will, perhaps even on the Big D screen.
Still, I'm going to hold out hope that new films are on the way.

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