Friday, May 19, 2023

a bright breakfast for a gray morning

French toast?
Oui, oui, mon cher!
The thought of it had come to me out of the fog of waking up, this dish that I very rarely make.
But I had bread, which is not always the case -
and I had eggs, courtesy of Tony and Laura -
and, come to think of, I had peanut butter, too, from them, from Christmas.
Yes, indeed, that 3-pound jar of Jif had lasted quite a long time!
Still, I'd had the coincidence of those three ingredients all together for almost a week.
What I had not had...
and what was likely the tipping point...
were those lovely blueberries!
Food Lion - RAWRRR!!! - had them on sale as 2 for $3, and as they were locally grown here in Georgia, I'd bought two pints.
I easily ate half a pint last night!
They were even better with the peanut butter!
What a cheery way to start my day!
I do hope a bit of blue sky will peek out later!

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