Wednesday, September 13, 2023

adding a bit more brightness

I can't really say that the dust in the curtains was making the rooms dimmer, but it certainly was contributing to the mustiness factor.
I can't really say that washing curtains was on my list of things to do today, either.
However, after a delightful luncheon with Dawn at our usual haunt, I was reminded that today is Wednesday... and that meant discounted washer prices at SUDS.
It was certainly long past time to wash curtains.
I had been late with getting to the winter bedding - that was only done last month.
I can't recall just when I last washed the curtains in the living room, dining room, and 'dance' room. 

At least the winter stuff gets done every year.
I even washed the curtains in my bedroom earlier this year, when I noticed dust on them.
But those in the other rooms?
I know they didn't get washed last year, as that was when I was first diagnosed with A-fib and was getting used to it.
I know they didn't get washed the year before that, either.
I usually wash them in the late spring, when the cleaning frenzy is upon me, but I abstained for whatever reason.
Had I perhaps washed them that first year of the pandemic?
I doubted that.
I was doing all sorts of yard work, outside stuff, just me around.
Laundry would require me to be indoors, around strangers who might be sick.

So, that meant 2019 would have been the last time that all those curtains had been cleaned, if I had done so.

No wonder the curtains were looking a bit tired and dingy!

They're certainly much brighter now!

I had been concerned that they might fall apart in the wash, but there are no holes at all!
How very reassuring - I had not waited too long!
Now, I have a documentary about José Moreno Hernández, born the same year as my brother Ronnie.
"A Million Miles Away", hosted on AARP as an MFG selection, is about his quest to be an astronaut, which he eventually did after his twelfth application to the NASA space program.
That should be very inspirational and interesting, just before the National Hispanic Heritage Month kicks off.

1 comment:

faustina said...

No photo of the curtains in the dance room?
I didn't put them back up on Wednesday because my arms were absolutely sore from handling all those lengths of material.
First, taking them down, getting them into the car and then into the laundromat...
then loading them into a washer...
then shaking them out to get rid of wrinkles before putting them in the dryer...
then shaking them out again after they were dry and folding them lengthwise...
then carrying them back to the car and into the house...
before hanging the four in the living room and four in the dining room.
Yeah, that last set of four, for a room rarely used, waited until later.