Sunday, September 3, 2023

cheeseburger, a la buffett

Well, kinda sorta.
No lettuce or tomato, or Heinz 57, but it did have pickle slices!
Even so, I think Jimmy Buffett would have declared it suitable for a table in paradise.
This Labor Day party, after all, was in memory of his musical legacy, songs that will live on for much longer than his 76 years on this planet.
Laura and Tony had this theme yesterday, after hearing of his death, and put the wheels in motion right then and there to have a celebration of his life - and I was invited!
The party began at 3 PM, but was most def still ongoing when I arrived.
And just what time might that have been?
You know what time it was... 5 o'clock!!!
Well, 5-ish, and certainly time for a virgin margarita!
The six of them stayed right there with me, too, as I dined and the tropical music from our youth was played nonstop by Alexis.
Very nice!

And who might those six be?
Well, that's Tony and Laura in the middle there, with her holding the clock!
Smitty and Mary are on the right in the photo, with Mary making a last-minute decision to remove her glasses - lol!
Then, on the left, those are Harry and Robin, who is Laura's stepsister.
I'll be seeing all of them again pretty soon!
Robin made sure everyone know that the BYOP will be on October 29th this year.
Apparently, they always time it for the last Sunday before Halloween.
That was news to me!
You'd think I would have picked up on that pattern, right?
Guess the joke's on me!

I'm so grateful to have had two hours with my brothers and these friends!
i thank You, God.
This was exactly what I needed to make me right as rain.
Now, for a second viewing of "The Dream Team", with Michael Keaton, Christopher Lloyd, Peter Boyle, and baseball - batter up!

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