Sunday, September 10, 2023

hotdog + french fries + taco + ice cream

That sounds like just one meal, but it wasn't!
Those items were from three different meals of the four meals I've had with other people in the last five outings.
That's right, I've been out with others five times in the last four days!
And of those four meals, I've only paid for three of them.
Pretty good, eh?
The first meal was the slunch I had at Bowties Thursday, when I was there for trivia night with Savannah Locals.
Yes, french fries can be a meal, especially with lots of ketchup.
If a baked potato can be considered a meal, then why not fries topped with plenty of the tomato-based sauce?
We have all known since 1981 that ketchup is a vegetable, ever since Ronald Reagan declared it to be so.
Case closed!
The second meal was an actual dinner that can't be contested.
After all, it was eaten Friday at Jalapenos of Sandfly!
I opted for Combo Number Five, with the song "Mambo No. 5" running at full volume on my mental jukebox - LOL!
I stood - yes, STOOD, not sat - between my brothers.
As I told them, I was running an experiment to see if standing, instead of sitting on those high chairs, would prevent me from waking up with sciatica pain on Saturday morning.
The results?
No sciatica pain - hooray!!!
As I told them, sitting in those very high chairs at the high-top table was the only thing different I've been doing; I've never had the problem of sciatica before these dinners with them on Fridays.
Now, I know I won't have it again!
I'm so glad I listen to my body.

Okay, on to the third meal, which was a slunch between trips to Greece and to India.
Hahahaha! Doubleheader at the cinema, y'all!
The first movie was with a meetup group, Boomers In Motion, as represented by Jackie and Virginia.
We saw the new Nia Vardalos flick, which truly was a travel ad for Greece - just gorgeous!
Then they came with me to Jason's Deli, where I can get double reward points on weekends - nice!
I had Shelley's Deli Chick, a sandwich I've been meaning to try, and it was so full of different textures!
Crispy, flaky croissant, moist chicken salad with grapes and almonds and pineapple, meaty slab of tomato topping it all off...
and good company, too!
That brings me to today, doesn't it?
The first of my two events with others was at Asbury Memorial Church, where we were celebrating the first Sunday of the church year.
"Celebrate" is certainly the right term!
Leopold's was there with its ice cream stand, and I made sure I was the very first in line.
You know, to make sure the scoop didn't get tainted with strawberry 'poison', right?
Yes, that's my story!
My ice cream was pistachio and it was divine and well worth the lactase pills I had to eat with it!
I also ate a delicious hotdog and drank cold lemonade, as well as enjoying good conversation with Linda Combs and Steve Johnson while I did so.
That was all so very nice!
Then, on I went to my fifth outing, the second of the day, again with the Savannah Locals meetup.
Does this place look familiar?
It should - I was at The Wyld for the pierogi fundraiser!
I meant to order something, but just never did.
I guess I was enjoying the conversations too much to miss something funny from Maura or Denise, or Erica's story of her daughter at UGA, or the other Denise talking of a recent band, or Rochelle making the next plans for the group... definitely fun!
Now, to call Michael for his 35th birthday, and maybe even have another social occasion this evening!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I guess I hadn't read Rev. Billy's weekly email at the time.
He wrote:
"Then after the service, we'll continue to celebrate the new church year with.....
Ice Cream from Leopold's & Hot Dogs from Natopold's!
Yes, we'll be having the great Savannah ice cream created by the three Leopold brothers from Greece, and we'll be having hot dogs cooked by Mr. Eugene Natopold, the great, great, great, great, great grandson of the German inventor of the hot dog, Ivan Natopold. Mr. Natopold has brought with him a team of waiters to serve the dogs. How honored we are to have them all with us on Sunday. So be sure to join us after the service in Holliday Hall!"

I haven't found info on Ivan Natapold yet. Eugene would be 8 generations from that "hotdog inventor", putting that date between 1850 and 1870, roughly.
I did find other interesting info, though!