Thursday, September 7, 2023

trying something new with locals

Last night had not worked out, but that's okay.
As a scientist, I know that you don't give up just because of one bad experiment.
You examine the variables and see what changes are needed, then try again.
Last night, I learned that my definition of "board games" was not up to date.
That's okay.
There was nothing wrong with the people in the meetup, nor with the venue.
I was there under a misinterpretation of a phrase. 

Tonight, I convened with Savannah Locals, finding out that the title of the meetup played fast and loose with the definition of "locals".
No problem!
We were at Bowtie Barbeque Co. en masse for their weekly trivia game, playing with a team of five and going by our meetup name: "Savannah Locals".
Most excellent!
Rochelle, the group organizer, turned out to be a Navy veteran like me - cool beans!
Denise and Maury both like to travel and seem to be about my age - very nice!
Craig, the lone male and and a father of five, hailing from Cincinnati, may have been in his late forties or early fifties, like Rochelle - alrighty then!
These were clearly people I had something in common with and we were there to play a game I know how to play - hooray!
Even better: I knew some of the answers when they didn't!
"The name of a tribe in the Pacific Northwest, as well as the call sign of a plane, as well as the name of a 1997 movie?"
Air Force One!!!
"A game whose name is Swahili for "to build"?'
"A bone in the body that sounds like the word for something funny?"
Then there was that one question, a bonus question at the end, that only one of us knew.
"Give the first names of the 9 characters in most "Saved By The Bell" episodes."
While four of us only knew Screech, Craig knew six more.
With his help, we went from 4th place before the final bonus to 3rd place at the end, netting us a $10 gift card for next time.
Oh, and bragging rights, too!
Yes, this was fun!
Will I be going to their future events?
You bet I will!

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