Thursday, September 21, 2023

day 7 of i miss my car: being a peacock kid

"Do you remember, the 21st night of September..."

That's tonight.

"I know! You've had the Elvis post-it on the kitchen cabinet awaiting the arrival of this date for the past few weeks! So, what's the scoop? Did you shake your tail feathers?"

I guess I could have for the first animated movie, but I did not. And the other three weren't really musically endowed, if you know what I mean.

"Wait a minute. Say what? I thought you were all excited about this date and its link to the Earth, Wind & Fire song. I didn't make that up, did I? You were excited about it, right?"

No, you're correct, I was. Then my Saturn got hurt and I've been a bit bummed out about it. I had it in my head that I'd get her back yesterday, but the parts haven't yet arrived. So, I woke up having a little pity party and have been trying to get myself out of my head. Watching a bunch of kid movies seemed the right path to take.

"You're done beating up the bushes?"

Trees, not bushes. And, no, I still have plenty of that to do. I even did some more yard work this afternoon between rain showers.

"Okay, I've got a better picture now of your state of mind. You're feeling a bit stranded, aren't you?"

Oh, I'm sure that's right. And even though that isn't real, even though I could ask others to drive me to wherever, I'm such a control freak that I don't want to do that.

"I think "independent" is the better word choice."


"Okay... so, tell me about the movies..."

Okay. Fine. Remember that I got six months of Peacock as a Comcast reward? Well, I set me up as the 'little peacock kid' icon, thinking the ex and Amy would eventually log in to their icons, though I don't think that's ever going to happen...

"Hello? Pity party is over. O-V-E-R. Get over your 1st world woe."

You're right. (Deep breath.) Okay. So, as the 'kid', I set up a queue of movies to eventually watch, mostly animated, but some live action. This morning, I decided to perk myself up with a Peacock Kids Film Festival, starting off with "Madagascar".

"Oh, that's fun! Chris Rock as a zebra having an existential crisis on his 10th birthday! Is he black with white stripes or white with black stripes??? LOL!"

Yes, that was pretty funny. It had some good tunes, too. It even has a song from today's artist of interest! "Boogie Wonderland" was one I used to dance to, though it's never been part of my karaoke repertoire. I prefer their "Shining Star" for singing!

"Well, that was a good start for your festival! Then what?"

Well, then it kinda sorta went downhill. I figured that since that one was set at the zoo, I'd go to another that was related to that location. However, "Zoo Wars" turned out to be about the Zooverse and was a parody of "Star Wars". At first, I thought it was pretty cute. After all, it had a Horton The Elephant - from the land of Dr. Seuss! - hearing a voice, but not that of a Who. With the name 'Nuke', he was transported from his computer geek terminal into a space ship with a C3PO-like character who was "named after an '80's band", though no one was sure if that was B-52s or UB40.

"Sounds like a lot of punny business going on!"

You'd think, right? Only they didn't know when to end the gag. Like SNL, they would ride it far, far, far, far too long - much as I just did with those superlatives.


Indeed. I'm glad it was as short a movie as it was. It got a bit tiresome. Still, I had liked that it was of the scifi genre, so I stayed there for the next choice, "two Tails". Both were from 2018, which was interesting as a side note. Both turned out to have less than three stars in their IMDB ratings. Ack. At least this one was done by Russian artists and brought a little something different with their interpretation of American culture.

"Russian cartoon???"

No, Russian animation. The story had three nice aliens come to Earth in search of a power disk they had lost. They come upon Bob the Beaver and Max the Cat. The best part of the movie was near the end, when three evil aliens had captured the animals. Bob helps them all escape by singing Max's favorite song, "I Will Survive". That mirrored what Marty the Zebra had done for his best friend, Alex the Lion, by singing the King of the Jungle's fav tune, "New York, New York (On The Town)".  What a great way of showing their friend that they truly listened to them!

"Most definitely! But how did the song help against the aliens?"

The aliens didn't like the sound of singing. They were fine with music, just not with people lifting their voices to it. I thought that was pretty funny. That's about the time I went out to work on the tree limbs for a while.

"Good! That was a nice break from being in the house, got you up and moving."

That's right. Then I put on "Jungle Shuffle", staying with my theme of animals, but bouncing to the tropical island portion of the first movie. I was expecting a good deal of dancing, but there really wasn't much of that. I liked it, as it had a different flavor than I expected.

"How was that?"

Well, I thought it was American, since it had Rob Schneider, Tom Arnold, and Alicia Silverstone voicing three of the characters. But it wasn't! This one came from artists of South Korea, Mexico, and Columbia. No wonder the jungle had a realistic feel that reminded me of the mangrove swamp in Panama!

"Very nice! So you had a nice dose of international films with your little festival!"

I did! And that was pure happenstance. What a blessing! Like seeing this misplaced blossom in my Japanese magnolia this afternoon. Such a blessing that I would have missed, had I not had yard work calling me outside. Little blessings are the best.

"Little blessings ARE the best."

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