Sunday, May 14, 2017

in search of a hero on mothers day

Between Korben Dallas, Emily Middleton, and the Solo/Skywalker duo, this weekend has been action-packed and hero-rich.
And let's not forget Leeloo, champion of humanity!
Then there's love, too.
Though not a character inhabiting an actor's form, that powerful force is at work in this trio of films.
You betcha!
Which films?
Well, two are oldies but goodies.

"Snatched", however, is brand-new, having only opened on Fridays in the cinemas. Starring Goldie Hawn (au naturel, thank God!) and Amy Schumer as a mother-daughter pair off on a South American adventure, it was perfect for our girls' night out on Saturday. Goldie has been one of my favorites since the days of "Laugh-In" - even though she played a ditzy blonde, you could tell that was simply a role. Marvelous!
She has continued to be a smart blonde, as evidenced in this movie (and also on this morning's episode of "CBS Sunday Morning", which highlighted her program for children to help them focus and become better students and better people.
(Honestly, I think I will try MindUp in the fall for my college students.)
As for the movie - it looks to be lightweight silly fluff, but it tackles serious topics that tend to go unsaid in far too many households. Adult children continuing to live at home, expecting to still be waited on, but insisting on otherwise being regarded as grown. Parents who allow such behavior to go on for too many years, preferring to be feel "needed" and willing to accept this slight relationship rather than live alone.
Emily Middleton does a lot of maturing during this movie and so does her agoraphobic older brother... and so does her mom, Linda. Even better, we see them a year later, the daughter and mother continuing to travel the world together, hapoily reveling in each others company.
Very nice!
Las tres amigas, con una otra, thoroughly enjoyed it! In fact, we liked it so much that we had to continue our discussion at The Diner, over baklava and bacon.
So glad Carolyn joined us!

This afternoon, I was again in good company! Not only had Kevin made pesto pasta for lunch with me, but he also sat to my left for the special screening of "The Fifth Element"! Barbara was on my right at the cinema - hooray!
I do so love that movie.
When Kevin asked me why it was so important to me, I responded that it was a fable about someone saving the world despite knowing all the evil people did and had done to other people. And Leeloo did it because of love, love of the cabdriver who had rescued her and who held her tight in his arms as she became the evil-destroying beacon of light in the desert.
Plus, the movie is so opulently colored and the entertainment emcee is so accurately hyper and I love the priest's modesty and Leeloo's naivety and the blue alien's rendition of an Donizetti aria and Korben's unexpected falling in love...
After I returned home, I was still in the mood for watching a hero at work. What better movie than the one which has left such an indelible, undeniable impression on my psyche!

Forty years ago, on May 25, 1977, "Star Wars" was released and my world was altered for the better. I had seen the movie one week later, in the very first row at the cinema, with a friend who had already seen it seven times.
Seven times.
So many strong characters!
The mercenary - and oh-so-hunky! - Han Solo, embodied by the 35-yar-old Harrison Ford!
The inexperienced but willing Luke Skywalker, a 26-year-old Mark Hamill!
And the feisty princess Leia, with Carrie Fisher only 19 years old during the filming!
Such intelligent, believable, futuristic science fiction... forty years ago.
i thank God i was born at the right time for that!

Stay tuned for more of Faustina's Film Festival.
May The Force be with you!

For the record, the total viewed is now twenty-nine movies.
Thirty more to go!

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