Tuesday, May 9, 2017

new year's resolution

Back in April, the physicist had told me that he had written to me.
The above is the card in which he had written his letter.
He had purchased the card up in Toronto.
(I have no idea how far that is from Fredonia, where he is on sabbatical.)

The card had taken its time getting to Savannah, but that was for the best.
It was waiting, filled with love, in my mailbox when I returned home that Monday I found out about Jean Marie.
That was very good timing.
i thank You, God, for the coincidence.

Tonight, I finally responded to his Cheshire Cat card.

"Dear J-Dawg,
Hey, you. I bet you had about given up on hearing from me, hadn't you? Just when you thought it was safe to check you mail, too. :-)
Jean Marie's death hit me very hard. End of semester stuff kept me distracted much of the time, but now that the grades are all in and my time is my own I've had this general malaise hanging over me that I can't seem to shake off. ..but I am trying.
Part of my coping hs been with finally having a New Year's resolution.
('Bout time, right?)
You see, my New Year will begin with my birthday and this time I've claimed all of May.
(Taking a cue from you.)
My resolution?
To see as many movies this month as years I have been on this beautiful, awesome planet.
(In case you have lost count, it'll be 59 for the first time.)
As of this evening, I've seen 13.
Mind, not all have been in cinemas.
Comcast has Bollywood on their "Free Movies" this month and I m taking full advantage - especially the ones featuring Shah Rukh Khan - what a talented actor - and very easy on the eyes, too. Oh, my, yes!
Did you keep your apartment? I've been wondering where you are going to ive when you return... and whether my key is still good... and where all your stuff has been.
I am so looking forward to your return, my dear friend.
with much love always,

As for the films I've seen, stay tuned.
More will be forthcoming soon.

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