Monday, May 29, 2017

love is in the air!

"The Big Bang Theory"...
Season 5, Episode 24...
"The Countdown Reflection"...
one of my favorites.
As an astrophysicist, Raj knows the flight pattern for the GoogleEarth satellite...
he knew it would be passing overhead as the ultimate wedding photographer...
for the rushed wedding for Howard and Bernadette...
prior to Howard's trip to space...
and all of their friends became ordained ministers...
so they could all officiate...
but not in Klingon.

I am so glad to have had this to begin my 59th birthday!
What a treat with coffee...
even if I did cry at the end...
when the six of them are watching the rocket liftoff...
and Bernadette takes Raj's hand...
and Penny takes Leonard's hand...
and Sheldon takes Amy's hand...
all in support of each other...
and for love of their friend.

i thank You, God.

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