Monday, May 1, 2017

gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day

Thanks to the jukebox in my head - and the inspired Disc Jockey making the platters drop - I awakened this first day of May to this song by Johnny Nash.

"I think I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is the rainbow I've been prayin' for
It's gonna be a bright (bright), bright (bright)
Sun-Shiny day.

Look all around, there's nothin' but blue skies
Look straight ahead, nothin' but blue skies.

The song was a hit back in 1972.
I was in middle school and it was a favorite for me and Mama.
i thank You, God, for the reminder this morning.
Good times!

And what a glorious way to begin the first day of May!
April is d-o-n-e at last.
I had called Willie last night when I got home from the school play with Barbara.
Why had Willie come to mind then?
The play was titled "Big Bad", so of course it reminded me of Daddy - but good memories.
So that brought to mind my old baseball buddy.
Throw in the movie I had seen late Saturday night with Jean Marie. (Remember that after a funeral I like to see a movie the departed would have enjoyed?) The BBC Wolf - Big Bad Chocolate Wolf - had featured prominently in "Grow House", thanks to Mrs. Gilliam.
So, two references to remind me that I had not yet called Willie after his recent hospital stay.
I'm glad I called.
The thirty-minute phone visit perked up both of us.
Did the topic of baseball arise?
Of course!
And that's when part of the reason for the call's timing arose, too.
You see, the man is long-ago retired, so his days run together, making him calendar-challenged.
I was trying to explain that the Bananas would not begin for another month.

"Well, what was today?"
"Today was the last day of April."
"And what will tomorrow be?"
"Monday will be the first day of May."
"And when does baseball start back up?"
"The Bananas have their first game that first week in June."
"Oh, Lord, that seems too far away. And what is today?"
"Today was April 30th, the last day of April."
"And tomorrow?"
"The first day of May. Tomorrow is the first day of May."

The first day of May.
May Day.
i thank You, God, for bringing me safely through April again!

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