Thursday, May 18, 2017

movie time at the beach!

That was certainly not the experience I had expected tonight.
I had gone to the Tybee Post Theatre for the screening of "Gifted", specifically to view that movie in that location. The movie was filmed at Tybee Beach and I had thought that would make it extra special.
After all, we are talking about Faustina's Film Festival.
And I was correct!
Seeing it there was like going to a red carpet-level event!
So many Tybee natives came out on this first night of a four-day run of the movie, extra chairs had to be brought in.
There were so many shouts and claps and laughs every time that Tybee familiars and Tybee watering holes and Tybee restaurants appeared onscreen!
It truly was a joyous occasion!
The acting was very good, too. I found the little girl, McKenna Grace, especially captivating and quite talented, as her character was so very different than the one she had in "How To Be A Latin Lover".
But I did not like the story.
Rather, I did not like the dark and twisted image painted of the STEM grandmother... nor did I care for the ugly relationship she and her daughter had. The grandmother had cut short her career in math to follow her heart, and then had expected her daughter to forsake her heart in favor of solving the Navier-Stokes equations. Then, when the daughter did succeed in her quest, she wanted the results to not be published until her mother was dead. How spiteful!
But she knew her mom.
As soon as the mom realized the findings could be had if she would give up the granddaughter, she let her go.
For the sake of science.
That turned out to be the best course of action for the little girl, of course. She was returned to her uncle and to her life, being allowed the best of both worlds: going to a school that challenged her and being in an environment that allowed her to be a kid.
I just wish the movie hadn't done it the way it did.
I had expected something more along the lines of "Hidden Figures"... not a psychodrama.
I'll have to talk about this with the bfe.
He'll be able to make me feel better about it... I hope.

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