Monday, December 24, 2018

christmas eve luncheon!

We three - Smitty, Tony, and me -
had barely gotten our orders placed
at Firehouse Subs
My biggest little brother just couldn't
hold back any longer...
so he set about opening the gift
he had for me!

And what a wondrous sight inside!
A rock'n'roll Elvis penguin,
shakin' that pelvis
clad in his Thunderbird jumpsuit,
sporting sideburns and shades,
crooning "Jailhouse Rock"!
I'm going to leave him out
all the time so I can daily
shake my pelvis with Elvis!

I don't think Tony had expected Elvis!
He got quite a kick out of my reaction!
As well as pushing that button over and over,
I whipped out my phone and showed them
all ten photos of me with Elvis in Vegas.
That was such fun!
I guess I'll need to make beets more often!

Before we left, I gave Smitty the bag of goodies for his grandkids, Caitlyn and Kobe.
After all, I would not be having Christmas dinner with them this year, as I would be journeying to Hinesville to share that meal - and a Christmas turkey - with Christina and her man.
He was horsin' 'round with the bag when I snapped this -
and caught him in a sunshower of love from above!
i thank You, God!

That completed my trio of photos
of my three brothers surrounded
by Mama's love!
I had taken this one of Tony
yesterday afternoon.
He had been test riding a bike
for Laura's son, Noah.
Seeing me in my yard, he stopped by
and I had loaded him up with
this afghan that Mama had made.
I had snapped this photo before he
rode off with his new treasure
carefully draped around him.

The first sunshower photo had been
taken almost two months earlier.
Ronnie had surprised me with a
visit at my house!
That was on October 22nd and he'd been out for a walk in the area and took a chance that I'd be home.
Amazingly, I was!
I'd snapped the photo afterward -
that's him on Allegheny -
to document the visit.
I hadn't known about the sunshower
until I saw the photo later.
In fact, that's true for all three of these snapshots.
I had no idea I'd been blessed with capturing more than I had intended.
i thank You, God.

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