Thursday, December 6, 2018

never alone again

I so enjoy watching "Monk" and today I did for the first time in... well, years.
Comcast recently restored some of the television channels to my basic subscription and one of those has this show... but only on Thursdays.
Last week, I forgot about the addition.
Today, I remembered!
And the very first show today, at 11 AM, was "Mr. Monk and Sharona".
I always loved the years with her! Partly because of her spunky nature, but also because her name reminds me of one of my favorite songs by The Knack and the little dance routine I had for it, back in 1979 in Panama.
[Of course I just had to watch the video and try to recreate those moves I had. Lots of fun trying, but I was 21 years old when this song popped up and I just can't quite get down to the floor these days. Still, I sure did enjoy the dance, guys!]
So, with my coffee and my breakfast of sushi, I also enjoyed the antics of Adrian Monk with caretaker # 1 (Sharona) and caretaker # 2 (Natalie). Of course there was conflict of the two styles of caretaking by the very different women - and that was fun to watch as they sorted it out and appreciated each other's work with him. Of course there was conflict concerning the reason for Sharona's visit to San Francisco to settle her uncle's estate, as it turned out he'd been murdered, not just taken a bad fall. And of course it all was resolved at the end of the hour and Sharona still ended up with a windfall to pay her son's college tuition.
So, of course I watched the next episode, too... as if I wouldn't have anyway.
It was called "Mr. Monk and the Dog".
Hey, it is still the Year of The Dog!
Here's the set-up. An artist had gone missing after a call to 911 and foul play was suspected. That meant homicide had been called to the scene and Adrian was there at the woman's apartment. Animal control came to pick up her dog, to take her to the 'kill' shelter, but forces intervened - i.e., Natalie and Lt. Stubing - and Monk took the animal to his home... and hilarity ensued!
Monk determined that the dog was quite smart and he grew fond of her over the ten days or so that he had her. When the artist's body was found, he had reassured the dog that she would never be alone again, but it was easy to see that he was thinking of him and Trudy.
The dog was a lovely, furry beast named Shelby. She reminded me of the sheepdog (Shaggatha) I'd brought home from middle school as a girl. And, much like my found dog had done, Shelby was having puppies by the episode's end.
Hahahaha hahaha!
Yes, indeed! The artist and the married man weren't the only ones engaging in coitus on their trysts! And since the pups favored their tailless Australian shepherd sire, then the killer was easily determined.
Case solved!
But, what to do with the dog and her four little ones?
Monk couldn't bear the thought of breaking up that new little family. Fortunately, a woman he knew came forward to adopt all of them. He would even be able to visit them - every day, at 2 PM - at their new three-acre home.
And just before they are to part, he reassured Shelby that she will be never alone again...
although he would be returning to his solitary lifestyle...
and I totally understood.

Now, I'm going to paint my fingernails and have some lunch.
Well, maybe not in that order.

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