Saturday, December 1, 2018

sugar plum fairy

I have just returned from spending the day with ballet at the Lucas!
Ribbon twirlers!
Sword fights!
Snake charmer!
Fireworks on the backdrop!
And, let's not forget about that Sugar Plum Fairy...
the one whose song is on 'repeat' on my mental jukebox.
Apparently, I was exactly where I was meant
to be on this doubled-up day!
At the Lucas for both performances by the
Savannah Ballet Theatre... to the grocery store,
the gas station, and home, in between the two...
then, back to my driveway once more,
with doubled-up values on my odometer.
Right place, right time!

Tomorrow, I'll be joining dos de mi tres amigas for some Bollywood.
That was set up on Friday morning, at least with Carolyn.
We had this amusing flurry of texts, so let me share that, shall I?

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(I had told her about my Thursday with Christina and Miyah, then the Friday plans with Collective Face and the Saturday plans at the Lucas.)

And THEN, off to crack nuts all day Saturday at the Lucas....
you are diffentantly the woman for the job!

Lol! I really do enjoy that ballet!
I guess thats because i never got to do that as a kid.

If you want to do the Royal on Sunday or Monday or check out Green Book,
l am up for it even if Barbara cannot go. I know an "ordinary" woman would be tired
from cracking all those nuts on Saturday....but the world knows that the words ordinary
and Faustina Smith cannot be used in a sentence. (l had to enlist the aid of a
three year old hacker to be able to put it in a text. Any misspellings are his.)

And l am REALLY going to enjoy seeing you do a reenactment
of the ballet for me since l will miss it...
bring your tutu (oh l never leave home without it,
a girl should always be prepared). Just in case there are
no old Boy Scouts around..

:-) you got it. I can even whistle the Dance of the Sugarplum Fairy while i twirl!

I am smiling now... I cannot wait to see your version.
Leaping involved? Please say "yes".

Yes! Of course!

Be still my is leaping in anticipation.
Of you leaping, twirling and whistling and the possible
company of some old boy scouts.
A girl could not ask for more.

Ha ha ha! Marvelous! I will certainly keep you posted, dear.
Now, let the neighbor's kid go back to sleep. . .
And perhaps you do the same. <3

***** ----- *****

Yep, tomorrow looks like more fun on the way...
and my odometer mileage ready to mark more magic!

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