Thursday, December 6, 2018

christmas party with roast beast!

Actually, it was prime rib,
as seen on the lower plate.
Bright, fresh, veggies adorned
the upper plate.
And the cocktail glass holds
a generous portion of shrimp
and grits, with an emphasis
on the shrimp.
Where was I on this winter's eve?
Well, that's me, almost exactly in the center,
wearing the fuzzy red sweater...
Why was I there at the DeSoto?
The woman on the podium had invited me!
This was the Gala with the President,
an event to drum up support for GaSoU.
Of course, you do realize I was not there to
actually pose as an Eagle, right?
Not hardly, as I am still an Armstrong Pirate
in my head and in my heart.
I was there for the free food, thanks, as were
these other ladies at my table!
I had deliberately chosen this table for its
proximity to the musician, Jason Salzer.
I'm sure this talented, Johnny-Depp-like,
young man was hired to play some holiday music,
but he consented to play some of my favorites,
as well as a few of his own tunes.
He certainly made my night!
My thanks to the hostesses for hiring him!
This trio of women were half the ones I knew.
That's Cheryl, on the left, Becky on the right,
and the cheerful young woman in the middle is
the one at the front desk of the Alumni office
at Burnett Hall on the Armstrong campus.
Thanks, y'all!

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