Monday, December 17, 2018

nice bookend i got there!

It occurred to me that I had the good fortune to spend time with two of my beloved male friends lately!
The first was the reason I had not left already for Florida.
This is Kevin, goofing around at the 'Wynnsong' last Tuesday.
Nice antlers, right?
We were there for a movie of my choice, "Once Upon A Deadpool" -
and thank God for that!
I believe in the heart of Wade Wilson again, and his never-ending love for Vanessa!

That outing was most definitely worth delaying the beach trip!
And this one tonight made me happy to have returned!
Where did I go and what did I do?
I had been invited to the physicist's new bachelor pad and he cooked dinner for me!
We dined on Moroccan kabobs, then watched a little "Laugh-In" with Liberace - how liberating!
It's been years since we shared a leisurely evening like this!
I'm truly so glad to be back home.

I'm glad to have had the chance to present to the bfe some items which have languished in the "gift closet" for far too long.
There was "The Best of Groucho" - boxed as "You Bet Your Life: The Lost Episodes" and "You Bet Your Life: The Best Episodes", purchased from Ivan. I forget how long those have been tucked away, but it's been a few years since Ivan's eBay sales.
I also gifted the Secrest with a volume of "Found Footage" that had been meant for him... for better than four years.
Good to have those items finally where they should be!

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