Saturday, December 8, 2018

crackin' nuts all day

Okay, I credit Carolyn for inspiring this song that I created.
A week or so ago, she had texted me about my working so many of "The Nutcracker" shows.
Well, this little lyric sprang from that well!
It's to be sung using the music from an old folk song from the 1890's, "I've Been Working On The Railroad".

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I've been working at the Lucas
all the livelong day.
Cracking nuts is what I did there
'cause it passes time away.
Listening to Tchaikovsky's music -
boy, it's held up grand!
Watching all the tiny dancers
and giving them a great big hand!

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Pretty nifty, ain't it?
i thank You, God, for the jukebox in my mind!

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