Wednesday, February 20, 2019

150th visit?

I'm not convinced that the math is correct.
When I went to the old Carmike for the latest Taraji P. Henson flick, my receipt informed me that this was "Visit: 150".
Perhaps it's my 150th movie since I became an AMC A*List member?
That date was Friday, August 3, 2018, a mere 6.5 months ago. Even if I had been successful in maximizing the bang for my bucks by seeing three movies per week, that would only account for 84 movies.
As there have been quite a few weeks when I was fortunate to squeeze even one movie at an AMC cinema into my schedule, then my A*Lister date is definitely not the one.
Might that movie count of 150 be since I became part of the paid 'Premiere' version of that loyalty program?
Well, there's no way to know for sure without researching my statements...
and that's too time-consuming for this query.
Are they counting from when I became an AMC Stubs member in the free 'Insider' program?
That date was April 12, 2017, the day after Kevin and I had found that Carmike was now AMC Classic 10. For us to enjoy the discounted ticket price of $5 that we had become accustomed to, we had each become an AMC Stubs member.
That would be 22 months ago now, meaning an average of seven movies per month. Given that Savannah had three other cinemas competing for my viewing pleasure, that number sounds quite logical and most likely true. It is especially reasonable when one considers that those other three movie houses became shuttered last year, with the latest of them closed since November.
I wonder why AMC is keeping track on my receipts?
Might that be a marketing ploy, to encourage future loyalty?
Perhaps... but does it really matter?
No, I didn't think so.
It's just me playing with numbers.

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