Sunday, February 3, 2019

close, but no cigarette

Sometimes, best intentions are not quite enough to get the job done.
You know?
This morning, for example, I had planned to attend church.
After all, this being the first Sunday of the month, that meant we'd have Holy Communion. After the service, we'd have communion at the Big Coffee Hour, i.e., potluck luncheon.
The First Sunday experience is truly marvelous and I had planned to go...
but, somehow, I never made it out my front door.
I was there, at the church, on Monday night - I was!
Carolyn had come with me for the 3rd Annual Winter Concert, this time featuring two pianists and a beautifully-voiced singer.
There was even Chili's afterward, so I was out for the evening!
Still, I didn't make it to ch_rch this morning, despite intent.
That's why the crossword puzzle, by Andrea Carla Michaels and Alan Arbesfeld, resonated with me. It was in the local newspaper a week ago Wednesday, at Wash Plus. Nami knows I like puzzles of many kinds, so she let me take those pages from the stack of newspapers she keeps for her patrons.
I like to do a crossword puzzle on a Sunday morning, after breakfast.
That helps to establish that the day is Sunday, a day of leisure and not errands.
So, as I'm working the puzzle, trying to determine the theme, I find myself smiling.
The clue was "Celebratory slap that doesn't quite connect?"
I already had "h i g h _ _ u r"...
so the answer, I surmised, must be "High Four".
Could it be the answers were one off from the true sayings?
Why, yes, yes they were!
"Mostly get rid of?"
That would be "Deep Five", of course.
"Baseball film DVD that's missing the last scene?"
Must be short a player to only be "Seven Men Out"!
"Slightly early marital restlessness?"
Better watch out for that "Six-Year Itch", y'all.
The clue for the theme was "Near-miss remark"...
which was, exactly, "close but no cigar"...
which was a bit too on the money for my taste...
hence, the title of this post.
Girls just wanna have fun, y'all!
Later! Tomasz is showing an Oscar-nominated film today.
I hope it make it there on time...
anyone want to place a bet on that?
hahahaha! hahaha!

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