Tuesday, February 5, 2019

too many ers

The psychologist and I were at Jason's Deli again.
That's where we went when we rebooted 'Tina Tuesday' last October and it seemed appropriate to be there for the first dinner-and-a-movie for us this year.
While there, I learned of that I am two things he is not.
I am a whistler and I am a bubble-gum bubble blower.
He heard me whistling while he was fetching more beverage. As he returned to the table, he stated that he could not whistle, nor could he blow bubbles. (He also stated that he could not swallow pills, but that's a different physical mechanism.)
He could not whistle a tune?
No, he could not.
With Bazooka bubble gum, he just chewed the gum and read the comic?
Yep, that's about the size of it.
My guess is his daddy didn't whistle, either.
I feel sure that if he had, then Kevin would do so, too.
I know I usually whistle when I'm happy, but my students used to tell me that they knew the day's topic would be one of my favorites because they'd hear me whistling in the hall as I approached the room.
I whistled frequently for Chem1152 nights, whether those were Monday lectures or Wednesday labs.
Good times!
That includes tonight with my favorite running bear.
On our return from seeing "The Upside", a wonderful movie about friendship and its ups and downs, he was relating his latest trials with looking for a girlfriend.
I recommended eHarmony, if he was truly serious about it.
Then he commented about my having given up on finding someone.
I defused that train of thought by bringing up my car mileage of 204477, as well as the fact that my little blue 'Ru will be eighteen years old on May 16th.
I know he is always surprised that she still runs.
But what about that "looking for love" issue? Am I interested in such quests?
I am and I do want that, I remain ever hopeful for that...
but I recognize that my "ers" get in the way.
I am a 'teacher' and a 'doctor'...
and many find it uncomfortable that I may be 'smarter' than they are.
I am a baseball game 'watcher' and vocal 'cheerer', which may seem at odds with my being an enthusiastic theatre 'attender' of Shakespeare plays and children's stagework and wonderful musicals and pretty much anything on a stage, including improv...
making it difficult to pigeon-hole my 'character'.
I am a Rock-star karaoke 'singer' and an avid free-style 'dancer' ...
but folks equate those talents with someone who is also an alcohol 'drinker' and maybe even a 'smoker' and bar 'frequenter' - and I rarely engage in ethanol consumption and have not had a cigarette since 1996.
I am a video-game 'player' and a 'maker' of rhymes as well as song mash-ups.
I am a 'photographer' of ordinary scenes and a 'writer' of some lyrical prose.
However, I realize that I have other descriptions that apply to me.
I am older than many I know.
I am unabashedly grayer than them, too.
I hope I am wiser than I have been in the past.
I have been living solo since October of 2007 - with two exceptions, when I was renting the spare bedroom to the Peace Guy and, for a summer, to the physicist.
That means I have had no responsibilities to another person for more than a decade.
In addition, I have had no pets in all that time.
Sure, I am a 'pet-sitter', but I am not a pet 'owner'.
That means I have no longstanding responsibilities to any creatures, either.
Taking on the responsibility to another is not really what I want.
I was a good wife, making sure the household tasks - the grocery shopping, the laundry washing, the bill paying, the meal prep and clean-up, and the dusting and sweeping and such - all were done, for me and for him, for fifteen years.
I still do those same things, of course, but on whatever time schedule moves me.
That freedom and independence has been nice...
but I do miss having someone to come home to...
somebody to kiss, somebody to miss...
somebody to love, and to love me.
Until then, like many other single people, I'll go into the night, seeking diversion - and maybe enlightenment - at the cinema, at the theatre, at coffee shops and restaurants and diners, on the road, with no pressing need to stay home.
My travel companion's mileage clicked to 204477 for the trip this evening.
Click, click, click...

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