Saturday, February 16, 2019


"There is a fine line between a numerator and a denominator.

Only a fraction of people will find this funny.

This bit of math fun was lurking on the bfe's fb page ...
and I "stole" it for mine.
Nananana na na!
That was a couple of days ago.
Since then, the truth-cum-joke has garnered almost twenty 'likes'!
There have been a few comments mining that vein, too.

Bob W: I'm divided in this one.😁

Don B: Depends on who draws the line.

Genie L: Anything to do with gazintas?

Faustina S: Gesundheit! LOL!

Al D: As we all know.... 4 out of 3 people have trouble with fractions.

Nicely done, y'all!
And thanks, Genie, for giving me a word I had to look up!
Now, I'm going to have a little warm weather film festival at my house!
ON DEMAND has both "Aloha" and "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" for my viewing pleasure.
The only real question is this: which to watch first?
Peace OUT!

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