Friday, February 8, 2019

walkin', after midnight, in the moonlight

Isn't that Patsy Cline song so lovely?
It was her first single, but that almost didn't happen.
She hadn't liked the song.
The tv audience did, though, and the rest, as they say, is history.
Life can surprise you, for sure.
For instance, I had not expected to be walking in Forsyth Park in the dark, but here I was!
That's because he and I had tired of sitting and needed to stretch our legs while he finished his story.
"He" being the Eagle Scout, Scott.
I had told him that he was the only name on my dance card tonight, as it's been a while since we shared time and space.
We were again at Betty Bombers, as we had been then, and, when I'd asked about his trip to Atlantic City, he'd said it was a long story...
and it certainly was!
Quite entertaining tale of his clever deceit toward a conniving ex-girlfriend - what a hoot!

I'm so glad he and I were finally able to spend a few hours together!
We've known each other since the early 1990's - 1993? 1994? - and we always have a good time joking around.
I'm so glad he's back in Savannah again!
Yes, we both stay busy, but it was so good to be able to just hang out tonight, with no particular place to go, no particular event to attend...
just to be.
i thank You, God.

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