Sunday, February 24, 2019

plus one, this time!

So, here it was, Sunday morning, and I'm doing a crossword puzzle, as is my wont.
This one was in the latest AARP magazine, part of their "Staying Sharp Games!"
And guess what the theme of Stephanie Spadaccini's puzzle was?
Well, I first direct your attention to a similar number-driven clue-fest...
and next suggest you run in the opposite direction with that string!
"Menswear that comes with two vests?"
Why, that's the popular "four-piece suit", don't you know!
"Revolver with an extra chamber?"
Annie, go and fetch your "seven-gun", if you please!
"Morris' breakfast of champions?"
Well, you'd have to know this pet food ad campaign to get "Ten-Lives".
"Quaint B&B furniture that's a bit off-kilter?"
Good luck sleeping on that "five-poster bed", my dear!
Maybe that's what I needed, instead of my normal mattress?
Anywho, I have "Top Hat" at the Lucas to usher for "Musical Matinee" -
time to dust off my tails!

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