Tuesday, February 26, 2019

oh, the words i have learned!

One usually does not consider an improv comedy show as a locale to acquire an expansion of one's vocabulary... but that becomes a mistaken assumption if one is speaking of the erudite entertainment emoted by Odd Lot.
I suggest, for your edification, the fore-promised summation of the performances observed last Saturday evening, during their special "Games Night".

The first word learned was "gabelle", the first word in the first game.
"Pants On Fire" featured Dom, Thomas, and Jason, backed by Trick, Chase, and Justin, with Darren as host.
The object of the game was to have the two contestants determine which Odd Lot player had related the true definition of the word.
That meant the other five players, as bespoken in the refrain of the Castaways' 1965 revamp of a children's song, were creative liars.
Quite humorous, I must say, as well as elucidating!
My favorite was the odiferous "oxter", but Amy and Jeff took a shine to the melodious "doodlesack".
All three of us, though, giggled about "bibble", no doubt with someone in mind!
The fellow from the Research Triangle, Josh W, won the game, by the way, with both him and the other contestant receiving prizes.
Good of them to volunteer!
The Odd Lot followed that game with a few of their favorite skits.
"Switch Change" had the four players vying to be the best contortionist - nice splits, Jason and Chase!
Later, Trick was featured as the "Soothsayer", with my ocean scarf wrapped around Jason's neck as a Soutn American strangler snake - bwah ha ha!
"Objection" pitted the players in a stream of consciousness argument about "proposal".
My favorite, though, was "Good, Bad, and Ugly" - ant just because I'm a Clint Eastwood fan!
Nor because my query - how to tell if spaghetti is done - was the first to be answered.
The Good, from Thomas, was "Throw it against the wall. If it sticks, it's done."
Fairly standard cookbook advice.
The Bad, from Jason, suggested "Throw it against your partner. If it sticks, then it's done."
Hahahaha! Of course, retaliation may be in order!
But it was Trick, tasked with the Ugly, who advised
"Take a bath in it. If it sticks to you, it's done."
Ewwww... but great visual!
After intermission, the entertainment resumed, this time with another audience-participation feature.
Justin, in a dead-possum wig, first pulled Danielle's name from his hat...
and I'm sitting there, praying to have my name be next, please, please...
and it was!
i thank You, God!

And so it came to pass that she and I faced off in "The Match Game", trying to guess the answers that the Odd Lot crew were madly scribbling to Justin's questions!
Early on, Jason seemed to be reading my mind!
Justin set the scene that "Rotten Rodney was in a grade school that was so rough, instead of jumping rope, they jumped ____."
I replied with "barbed wire"... and that's what Jason had written!
The emcee next spoke of "Loopy Lou, a judge, once owned a deli. Instead of a gavel, he banged ____."
Of course I said "pastrami on rye", right? So did Jason! Wow!
Then, came the best scenario from Justin! "Little Cindy Lou accidentally swallowed her flute. Now, we here "Yankee Doodle Dandy" every time she ____."
How precious, right? Especially if you think of the Whoville waif, as we all did!
Appropriately, then, I responded with "toots", followed by explaining that it was the polite word for "farts", just to be clear for non-Southerners.
Bless Pete, I scored two points that round, with "farts" from Trick and Dom with "toots"...
but no match with Jason.

I ended up winning that game, wonder of wonders.
Danielle and I both won prizes, too, just as the
two guys had in that first game.
She has a lovely bunch of sloths in a calendar...
and I have a gnome in residence!
Yes, I went on to play "The Dating Game", along
with the winner of the first game.
But you already know about that, right?

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