Wednesday, February 13, 2019

lack of support from new weight watchers program

The new Weight Watchers - i mean, "WW" - program is all about tracking -
tracking movement and steps and exercise through its cell phone App -
tracking every bite consumed and every foodstuff scanned through its cell phone App -
tracking how well the program is being used.
In other words, WW is tracking its member base as its research pool.
As a scientist, I can appreciate what they are doing... but shouldn't they have permission?
I know that at the university, students cannot be used as psychology or health sciences studies without their express, signed, permission.
How is it that WW is allowed to use its members for research studies?
I don't know.
However, I am sure that is what they are doing with this new program.
All of the focus of this new WW program is on the use of the App.
Not convinced?
Well, listen to this.
Part and parcel of the new WW program is allowing members to earn WellnessWins points for tracking meals, for tracking activity, and for attending Studio Workshops (i.e., meetings).
All members are eligible to earn those WellnessWins points.
However... only those members who use the smart phone App can redeem them for rewards.
Members who do not have the smart phone App cannot obtain the rewards.
Even if that member uses the online website, the software still has not been updated to allow those members full benefits.
If WW cannot track YOU, then YOU cannot have the rewards YOU have earned.

Tonight, I again brought up the lack of a "Journey" tab for the online program.
I had the following conversation with one of the Expert counselors on the website.

***** ***** *****
One moment please...
You are now connected with an expert.
Margaret: Thanks for your question! By the way, my name is Margaret.
07:26:18 PM
I've been successful with WW and look forward to helping you on your journey today.
07:26:18 PM
This is Margaret and I’m happy to help you.
07:26:38 PM
What type of mobile phone do you have?
07:27:09 PM
FAUSTINA: Thank you. I have been feeling quite disconnected wince WW switched to making folks use the App. I do not have a smart phone and I am feeling left out.
07:27:20 PM
Margaret: I'm sorry you are feeling left out.
07:28:12 PM
You can still view Connect on the computer but it is limited.
07:28:40 PM
You are still very much apart of WW.
07:29:05 PM
We are here on chat to help you and encourage you all the way.
07:29:16 PM
You can contact us as many times of day that you need to talk or be encouraged.
07:29:38 PM
FAUSTINA: I don't feel that way. Next week will make a year that I have been part of WW. This new program is app, app, app and very unfriendly and unsupportive to anyone without a smart phone.
07:30:37 PM
Margaret: Great job being apart of WW for a year!
07:32:22 PM
FAUSTINA: I have told my studio coach that I am planning to quit, since the program is not supporting me anymore. I keep tracking my points and activity and I cannot even use those Wellness Wins points because I do not own a smart phone.
07:32:22 PM
Margaret: You actually are still earning them.
07:32:47 PM
Did you know that?
07:32:56 PM
FAUSTINA: Yes, I do know that I am still earning them. However, I am unable to use them for anything. People at the meetings talk about the things they are getting and I have more points than some of those people and still cannot get anything with those points.
07:34:09 PM
Margaret: Do you have a friend with a Smartphone?
07:34:16 PM
FAUSTINA: Yes, I do. But I would have to log in and then they would have my username and password.
07:34:59 PM
Margaret: After you redeem you would just log out of your account.
07:35:37 PM
FAUSTINA: Yes, but their phone would still have my user name and password. Their phones store those.
07:36:26 PM
Margaret: Yes, it is a personal choice.
07:37:39 PM
FAUSTINA: It's a security choice.
07:38:04 PM
Margaret: Yes it is-how about a family member?
07:38:42 PM
FAUSTINA: Yes, I do, but I live alone. Everyone is married and busy with work and children. I don't want to ask to use their phone for something like this. I do not understand why WW IT folks cannot put a "Journey" tab into the online program. I have IT friends who cannot understand why WW thinks that is too difficult when they already have that "Journey" tab on the App.
07:41:25 PM
Margaret: Yes, I understand.
07:42:13 PM
FAUSTINA: I am paying to use this online program and I am being shortchanged by WW.
07:42:23 PM
Margaret: It is a personal choice and a financial decision to own and pay for a cell phone.
07:43:20 PM
FAUSTINA: Oh, I have a cell phone. But I also have a computer and do not need a second computer, i.e., a smart phone.
07:44:13 PM
Margaret: Ok.
07:45:14 PM
FAUSTINA: I realize there is nothing you can do to solve this problem, but I do ask that you pass my concerns along to those in charge at WW.
07:46:30 PM
Margaret: I really care and understand Faustina and would offer you my phone in a heartbeat!
07:47:28 PM
I will gladly pass on your request and your concerns.
07:48:05 PM
You are valued and cared for more than you know.
07:48:33 PM
FAUSTINA: Thank you, Margaret. I have brought this up several times and am still waiting to be included. This is NOT the program I signed up for anymore.
07:49:15 PM
Margaret: Yes it has been brought up in my studio too.
07:50:08 PM

***** ***** *****

I honestly don't know that I will remain with the program after next week.
That will be my one-year anniversary.
I've lost a total of 19.8 pounds, net.
In truth, I've lost 38.7 pounds... but I've regained 18.9 of those.
I seem to have a pattern.
I lose for about three weeks, then gain some back, over and over.
Sure the overall trend is downward, but it's almost literally three steps forward, one step back, with an occasional march in place for a couple of weeks.
and I still don't have a purpose for continuing this journey.

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