Tuesday, May 31, 2022

deja vu with the j-dawg!

Remember a few months ago, when the physicist and I tried to go to The Noodle Bowl for dinner and found it closed?
"G'friend, that's been more than 'a few months' ago. That's been half a year now."
Say what? Half a year??? It seems like just two or three months. Are you sure?
"Oh, I'm sure alright. That was in December. You know... of 2021."
"Yeah, your sense of time has really gone out the window this year."
I guess having my heart not keeping time like it should is responsible for that. Around mid-May, I was texting with stepmom Bonnie and told her "I had just realized that nearly half the year was gone. I guess those months since January are just invisible to me now." She's been hoping I could drive out to Alabama for a visit for Aubree's birthday, but I am just not up to multiple hours on the highways.

"Not yet, but you're miles ahead of where you were in February. Now, tell me about this latest excursion with the J-Dawg!"
Yeppers! We did a movie and dinner! His request for the movie! No surprise, but he's a fan of "Downton Abbey". He really likes shows from that time period through the 50's.

"Yeah, I remember he's a big Jack Benny fan."

That's right. So, he knew "Downton Abbey: A New Era" was playing and wanted to catch it on the big screen before it left the cinema.

"You didn't mention that you'd already seen it?"

Heck no! He so rarely goes to the cinema, I didn't want to spoil his anticipation of our outing! Plus, it had been a couple of weeks, so I was glad to see Tom and Lucy again.

"I know. They're your favorites. They are both very nice characters."
They are! And I found out from the bfe that Mary has a lot more in common in temperament with Violette than I ever would have suspected! Neither movie has shown that side of her.

"That's surprising, given that they've certainly exposed the catty side of the grand matriarch over and over again."
I know, right?
"So, what was for dinner?"
Indeed. What was for dinner? Here's where the tale is reminiscent of that earlier dinner! Back then, we'd had a hankering for The Noodle Bowl, but found it to be closed. So we'd walked down to the other end of the strip mall, down to The King And I for Thai, then walked back to the car.
"Oh, I remember!"
This evening, we decided to try the new place that sprang up where the soup place had been. I'd mentioned to him that I had seen that something else had moved in there, but had not yet checked it out. He knew it was Philippine food but had not yet been. Well, we didn't go tonight, either! The Banana Tree is closed on Tuesdays! LOL! So, to the Thai once more!
"What a lovely bunch of shrimp you have there!"
It certainly was! The dish was called Shrimp Salad, but the greens were all under that surprising mass of white noodles. It was quite different! A sweet water had been used as the dressing for all of it and served as a nice counterpoint to the grilled shrimp. The bfe even had some of the noodles, as he had not had them before. I think they may have been some variation on yam noodles, but I'm not sure.

"Well, they certainly do look cool and refreshing."

They were! It was a chilled salad! How did you guess?

"Just fortunate, I guess."

LOL! Well, it was a surprise to me and to him, that's for sure. This print of Jack Vettriano's "The Singing Butler" was a surprise to me, too. Hanging in the hallway to the bathrooms, it made me pause and drag out my camera to capture the feeling of it. I really think Mama would have loved it, too.

"And their clothing is quite in keeping with the time setting of the movie y'all saw."
Right place, right time.
"Indeed. You are truly so blessed!"
i thank You, God, for this time, and these talks, shared with the bfe.

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