Sunday, February 12, 2023

7 to 7 at 7

Like I told my first niece, it must have been my blonde roots that got the time wrong.

Or did they???

I tuned in just in time to watch the Kansas City Chiefs score their first touchdown!


That tied up the score against the Philadelphia Eagles...

and must have been a doubly proud moment for the Kelce family!

They have a son on each team in Super Bowl LVII, so it's win-win for them!

They'll have boasting rights no matter which team wins.

What a sweet position to be in!

As for me, I'm rooting for the KC crew!

(Hey, that's an inside joke for those familiar with my online bingo games!)

This is their third Super Bowl in four years!!!

So far, they've won over a bunch of gold miners (San Francisco 49ers)...

then lost one to a patch of pirates (Tampa Bay Buccaneers)...

before taking a year away from this particular Bowl...

and now they're up against a flock of birds (Philadelphia Eagles).

Go Chiefs!!!


1 comment:

faustina said...

Cool 'mercials so far?

Binky Dad - some car he was driving to retrieve the toy for the baby, returning with the wrong one - lol!

Salute to Canada - David Grohl lists a bunch of things Canada gave to the world, including the whoopee cushion and Crown Royal.