Thursday, February 9, 2023

catching up with carley and cacao

Remember when I was talkin' 'bout the lead and cadmium in dark chocolate?
"Sure, sure. You thought maybe the Promises had been broken."
Hey, that's a good pun! And, yeah, that's correct.
I had hoped the webinar today with Consumer Reports might shed more light there.
Dr. James Rogers, the researcher, was inundated with questions that he'd already answered in the report at the end of last year.
"Well, we already know folks don't read any more. 
They scan articles, but they don't try to interpret what information is in them."

For real. It's as if they want a sound bite, not scientific data.
It certainly was disappointing to me, and had to be a bit frustrating for him, too.
I thought immediately of that seminar at GenOne on atrial fibrillation.
That had to be frustrating with that speaker to have so many insisting on hearing about a cure, when there is none.
"What's that joke about people in hell wanting a water slide?"
Yeah, that pretty well sums it up.
On a happier note, I was back out at the Savannah VA for the second time in a week!
I always enjoy my meetings with Elizabeth Carley.
"The best nutritionist of 2022 in Savannah? Yeah, she's always such a positive person! But what's that about this being your second visit out there??"
I had my omicron booster last week.
Do you know I had to wait almost two months for that appointment at the VA?
I'm relieved to have it, though.
Of course, I understand that I could still contract COVID if I don't keep up my precautions.
My mask goes with me everywhere and I admit to feeling not quite dressed if I don't have one.
"Silly girl... but I get it. Good for you."
Now, I need to eat my dinner before it gets cold.
Looks yummy, doesn't it?
I diced up a Gala apple and threw in three ounces of carrot coins, let them saute a little to carmelize their sugars and soften them a bit.
Then I threw in a quarter-cup of H2O and the packet of Lime-Cilantro Rice, popped on a lid, and let it do its thing for 90 seconds.
Totally delectable!
And that was after polishing off my A*List with "Missing" once more time.
Plus I had "The Amazing Maurice" and his talented rats - very funny!
Then, there was "80 For Brady".
But all done! Time to eat!
"Bon appétit!"

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