Tuesday, February 28, 2023

something bollywood, to end the month

I wish I knew someone who worked at the DMV, 'cause I sure would love to recommend this one to them!
For one thing, they'd get to see how that driver's license process is handled in India.
For another, they'd get to see one of their (foreign) colleagues doing the testing.
And, for a third thing, they'd bet to watch folks cheering on said colleague for going after someone famous for promoting safe driving while not even having a license to drive.
Here's the thing, though: Om -
the one on the left conducting the oral driver's test -
had already made the license for Vijay - 
he's the one on the right, tasked with getting at least six correct answers on the ten-question multiple-choice test in order to obtain a learner's permit - 
several days earlier.
He had even wrapped it up as a gift, with his 10-year-old son there to participate in the proud moment, and he was to get a selfie with the actor as his reward.
Instead, the actor pitched a hissy fit in front of the boy. accusing the father of calling in the media for what was meant to be a quiet event.
Vijay had not even asked Om to explain, and Om, star-struck mega-fan that he was, could not even get a word out in defense.
But Om did get his feelings hurt.
So, in front of said media, he had Vijay get out of the driver's seat of his SUV, telling all that it was because the star had no driver's license.
That certainly got folks talking!!!
The star who promoted safe driving and using a seat belt didn't even have a license?!
And the battle began, between the man who worshiped the actor as a god and the actor who viewed the man as a fan that had gone crazy for fame.
"Selfiee" was quite a wonderful movie!
I was not familiar with Emraan Hashmi, who played Om; he'll be 44 next month.
However, I knew the "movie star" and did enjoy seeing Akshay Kumar again (the last time was in "Good Newzz", which also had in vitro fertilization as a topic).
Before the movie started, the 55-year-old appeared onscreen to thank the fans for coming to see the movie and to assure them that he is grateful to them for their support.
It was quite moving, much like Tom Cruise's onscreen appearance had been before "Top Gun: Maverick" began.
Both had brought a tear to my eyes (yes, over-productive tear ducts).

I was glad I'd decided to take the chance to go out to the Royal in Pooler today.
I had missed the one that played there last week, as the only screenings were past 6 PM.
That would mean very heavy traffic to get there, then darkness on the way home.
Today, though, the cinema had a 3:05 show!!!
That should work!
And it did, as it was between the lunch and shift-change rushes for the drive there.
I even got out while it was still daylight, beating sunset back to Savannah!
I sure hope they'll have matinee shows in the future!
However, I was the only one there... so, they may not.
Fingers crossed!
I need more song and dance in my life!

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