Monday, February 27, 2023

ready... set... lunch!

As Otto would say, "What was that middle part?"

LOL! Such a lovely, funny part in "A Fish Called Wanda"!!! 

"Set", as used here, means my attendance at the morning session of the Savannah Music Festival Volunteer Orientation.

That's where we all got to meet Therra, the head volunteer wrangler, a petite bundle of energy, and her assistant, Paige, among others.

This year's Volunteer Handbook is quite a hefty and useful tool, full of information about all the venues, as well as the rules.

Mostly, we need to smile and be helpful - I can do that!!!


"Ready" refers to the selection of the shows I wanted.

I already talked of two of them; this is another one at the Charles Morris Center, which I enjoy as it's small. This Saturday matinee of Trinidad & Tobago jazz with Cuban dance jazz promises to set my toes tappin'!

Speaking of dance bands, I signed on for the Galactic/Cory Wong/Nate Smith show, too.

It'll be held at the grassy lawn of Trustees Garden, so that will be new to me.

And what would be the last of the five chosen?

Something with a bit of class, naturally!

I opted for the first of the Philip Dukes chamber music series, to be held at the Trinity UMC, on a Sunday afternoon.


Now, it's time for "Lunch"!!!

Josie was in town for her last eye appointment, and that finished up right after the orientation at the Trustees Theatre - sweet!

We met up at Carey the H on Waters - hey, inside joke with the bfe! - which just happened to be the first Carey Hilliard's that Jo had been to as a girl - nice!

We talked about those memories, about me and how my A-Fib was doing, about her having an empty room for guests now...

hint, hint...


We talked about her Bird Buddy, too.

She had given one to me at our last luncheon, last month.

I had to tell her about the missing instructions and missing setup image... and me not having a tree to put it on.

I also told her I'm going to give it to one of my brothers, as they both like to feed the birds and watch them... and have trees.

I'm to make sure they let her know how their avian friends enjoy it - I can do that!

1 comment:

faustina said...

I gave the Bird Buddy to Tony for Christmas!
I do hope he and Laura will enjoy it... and the birds, too!