Tuesday, February 21, 2023

valentines from gals o' mine!

As I told my first niece this afternoon, 
"Well, the envelope finally arrived today. 
Nothing inside, though, the flap was open. 
Well, i take that back: the love was still there. 
She texted back, 
We sent a lot! 
Maybe that is why it popped open."
For sure!
Its arrival made me realize I had overlooked talking about how I spent that particular evening.
I was with mi tres amigas!
Barbara had set up a movie night with all of us, unbeknownst to me.
All I knew was that she had suggested we go to the matinee of the new Liam Neeson movie, "Marlowe", a film noir piece.
I was most def down for that!!!
Than she sent a message wondering if we might want to eat beforehand.
Maybe at Jason's Deli?
Well, sure, that sounded great!
And it was, too.
The weather was just lovely for a 3 PM slunch!
I mean, would you look at that weather song?
Sure, rain would be on its way tomorrow, but it would be a tad warmer than it was on that sunny Valentine's Day, so a bit of rain would be jim dandy!
That's how that day was, too -
absolutely jim dandy, no candy needed!
Barbara and I practically had the deli to ourselves!
Then, at the cinema, she told me she didn't know just who all might show up!
She had invited Sandy and Brenda, and let Carolyn know, too.
Sandy was sick, though, and Brenda was recovering from a kidney stone, but Carolyn showed up!
And the movie?
Utterly a love love poem from the 1940's, from the clothes to the music to the language used!
But wait - isn't that the littlest girl?
You betcha!
I had poked a little to get a response about the cards full of love - and puns! - that I'd sent out.
Christina obliged with two photos!!!
So, there's Miyah, so cool, with a pizza my heart!
Not to be outdone, there's Miss Chlo, too!
Orange she a sweetie bear?!
She is, she is!
Yes, this Love day of 2023 was quite nice!
It had started four days earlier, on Saturday, the 11th.
Instead of the regular cartoon hour at 9 AM, it was a little something different: "Live, Laugh, Bugs!!!"
All of the cartoons were in a loving vein and so were the little vignettes before 'mercial breaks, like this one.
Usually, Pepe Le Peau is the pursuer of the the pussycat, but not that time!
She clearly was all over him!!!
I think he had gotten doused with perfume...
yeah, sure, let's go with that line of logic.
Whatever the reason, the kitteh did not recognize him to be of the skunk persuasion.
That reminded me of this meme that Lorrie B had posted, one that I admittedly had to look at pretty closely to see just what the joke was...
and then I "got" it!

"Despite his parents' reassurances, Bill couldn't shake the nagging suspicion he might be adopted."
I laughed out loud, too!
That's when I got off the Book of Face.
If I'm laughing out loud to the jokes, it's definitely time to leave and keep that smile on my face!
Thanks, Lorrie of the Legos, for that one last month!
Thanks, Christina and Miyah and Chloe for the love in the mail!
Thanks, Barbara for setting up a lovely evening!
Thanks, Carolyn, for joining us for that hit of Neeson!
And, thank You, God, for the warmer weather!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Had I mentioned that "Marlowe" was an A*List movie for me?
I had not!
It was actually the second - and last - one that I saw that week.
The other had been a 4th or 5th viewing of "Puss in Boots: The Last Wish".
The only other people in the screening room was a little boy and his mom.
They clearly enjoyed the movie as much as I did!
Then, after the credits, which they had lingered through, I turned around to speak with them about how many times I'd seen it and how much fun it was...
and saw the little boy was dressed as Puss in Boots, from the feather in his hat and the chunky belt, right down to the boots and sword!!!
The mom said this was their second time seeing it!
How marvelous that a boy Miyah's age would be so captured by this!
i thank You, God, to have been there with them that Sunday afternoon!