Wednesday, December 5, 2018

sharing an inside joke

The psychologist likes to just administer half-hugs on occasion.
Budget cuts, he claims.
So, when I saw this nativity scene on fb, I knew to share it with kevin.
(Yes, that's a budget cut for his name! Hahahaha!)
In case the picture isn't clear, here's the setup.
There are no characters other than those named on Coca-Cola cans.
A cardboard box contains three soda cans. The two erect cans have the names 'Jose' and 'Maria', with the prone one between them bearing the name 'Jesus'.
A package of Camel cigarettes represents the Magi and stable animals.
Atop the box stands a fourth can, with the name 'Angel'.
Adorable, itsn't it?
I've had over thirty likes/loves since I posted it.

Now, I have a persimmon to eat!
I haven't had these fruits since the Peace guy - my dear Rogue, Joe - lived with me.
Of course I shared the photo with him!
I'm not sure the fruit is quite ripe, as it isn't as soft as he says it should be.
No worries!
I bought two, so if the other needs to sit a while, that's fine.
Do I seem a bit jazzed up?
I think I may seem a bit jazzed up!
That's because I went to see that latest Disney Princess film again, this time in BigD!
You should have felt my seat rocking from the race sounds!
Okay, color me persimmony!

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