Sunday, February 24, 2019

he and she plus me makes three

Wow, I am still sooooo jazzed up from last night, which, I guess, is still ongoing as I have not yet gone to sleep, right?!
I didn't even have any caffeine for dinner and I am still wide awake!
Those Odd Lot folks are to thank for this, at least partly, I'm sure.
Especially Justin... yeah, especially him.
He knows how easily excited I can get when playing games!
Now, then, before you think the fix was in tonight, you should know that I certainly did put my name in the hat, along with those of other hopeful contestants.
After all, Odd Lot was presenting a special last-Saturday-of-the-month Games Night and that sounded pretty special to me!
It was extra-special, in fact.
Jeff, the ex, had contacted me to say he and Amy were coming to Savannah. Would I like to have dinner with them and go to the improv show?
Would I? Wood eye? (Hey, Mama gets that joke! She told it to me many years ago!)
I clarified that he meant Odd Lot ("Yes, if that's Chris Soucy's group."), as opposed to one of the other two groups in town.
Then I'd made reservations for three and awaited their visit.
You see, I knew that Amy had a birthday coming up next week. Since he had said she liked improvisational comedy, and since I love Odd Lot best of the three in Savannah, I wanted to make sure we'd have seats in the Loft on Liberty.
(Thanks, Tara!)
Whew, that seemed like a lot of talking to set things up!
They - meaning Jeff and Amy - had picked me up
from midtown and we'd leisurely headed toward
downtown, with Jeff pointing out places of
interest along the way.
Vinnie Van Go-Go's was packed and had a huge line
of hopeful diners - too busy for us!
Rancho Alegre seated us right away and even had
a three-man band in that early 6 o'clock hour -
nice jazz!
I had the ropa vieja, of course!
This is the only place I can get it and I hadn't
been there in ages!
Jeff had some of that, too, but also a chicken dish
and a pork one - some type of entree sampler.
Amy had a sampler, as well, but of the different
appetizers, mostly fried.
Here, Jeff is comparing the menu descriptors to the
actual plated food - okay, let's eat!
They make a good-looking couple, don't they?
I had thought they had been together about five years, but they actually met in December of 2012.
Since then, she told me, he has introduced her to many types of food that she'd never had before.
I can certainly believe that!
I know his penchant for local dining and sampling
ethnic cuisines!
We'd fortunately parked in such a good place that
we could easily walk from the Cuban restaurant
on Jones to the coffee shop on Liberty.
Nice to know Jeff still has his parking angel!
He'd picked up the tab for the food, so I paid
our way into the show and Amy picked these
fabulous seats!
Major coolness!
And then the show began...

... and I found myself onstage for not just "Match Game", but also for "The Dating Game"!
I don't know who took this photograph, but I am so grateful to them!
There I am, under the stage lights, long hair loose and gnome at my feet -
more on that later, I promise! -
and there's Jeff and Amy in the audience, him in his blue shirt and her to his right,
watching the antics of Odd Lot on this wonderful evening of fun!
i thank You, God, for this captured memory!

1 comment:

faustina said...

So glad I have a coffee cup to remind me of this fun night!

So glad I made duplicates for Jeff and Amy!