Sunday, January 1, 2023

starting over: Elvis dancing through the week!

Nothing like Elvis shaking his hips and waving his hand in the air, is there?
He's guaranteed to get my attention, whether I've had that first sip of coffee or not.
That's why seven new versions of him -
different days on each, right? -
will be dancing on the door of my coffee cup cabinet
for a second year.
I even already have events lined up  -
three luncheons and a doctor appointment -
for four days this week!
Very nice!
And the weather is going to be very nice, too, for most of this coming week.
Those first three days are those with lunches and just look at how warm they will be!
Even Thursday will be quite nice, so maybe I'll trim some dead lantana.
That hard freeze at Christmas turned every bush into a mass of crunchy dead leaves.
They'll bounce back, as will I.

1 comment:

faustina said...

Well, two of my three luncheons went as scheduled.
The one for Wednesday, with Dawn, had to be canceled.
She'd caught pink-eye from a neighbor's grandchild last week and thought she was recovered... until the wee small hours of this morning.
That's when she was awakened to find she had it again, in her other eye!
Most likely she had used a towel or something which had been contaminated the first time around.
Oh, well!
We have plans for later this month, so all's well!