Tuesday, January 17, 2023

You call that a resolution???

You bet I do!
A resolution is defined as "a statement of intent".
Here's the thing: I hadn't even realized I had made a resolution until a few minutes ago.
I'd texted my stepsister, Jean, to wish her a happy birthday.
She's 61 today.
She had responded with being glad to hear from me, what a sweet gesture!
I told her, justthatfast, that my resolution this year was to be more attentive to special dates I'd put on my calendar.
She was probably as stunned as I was by that statement.
I had not realized I'd even made a resolution until my fingers typed the words.
Well, good for my brain.
I know I've been a bit lax on keeping up with birthdays and anniversaries the last few years.
The Book of Face sends me reminders of those occasions, and that's helpful.
However, there are a lot of dates that it misses.
Not everyone I love is on that social site.
And, of those who are, not all of them share that information.
So, there are a lot of special occasions that get missed by me... even though I do have color-coded slips of paper all over my calendar to make sure I know.
The truth is, working on the genealogy has helped me a bit.
They send reminders to me for birthdays and anniversaries of family.
However, they miss those dates for my friends, that family that I chose.
So, I'm going to have to make a point of looking at my calendar each month and making a mental note of what is coming up and for whom.
Yes, that is indeed a resolution, and perhaps the best I've ever made.

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