Tuesday, January 24, 2023

which ups? are you sure?

"Why were you using UPS? I thought you preferentially went to the Post Office."

I do, but this time it wasn't for me. It was for Kristin.

"The librarian is back in town??? Sah-weet!"

You got that right! It's a quick visit to celebrate her bday40 with friends. You know: the family you choose, rather than the one you're born into.


She got in too late on Friday for the movie Tomasz brought, but that worked out well for Amanda. That's who Kristin is staying with until she flies back to Indiana Wednesday. She's been kept pretty busy seeing folks, but it'll be our turn with her tonight!

"Marvelous! I remember when you came back to Savannah to celebrate your thirtieth birthday. Your 29th in Tall'ee had been so bland that you'd promised yourself not to do that again! So you came here to party with Rhonda and company and that's when you met Jeff. Wow, that seems like such a long time ago..."

Hold up, you have the right details, but the wrong date. That was in 1991, so I was 33.

"Oops! (smile!)"

Yeah, but that's okay, you just can't do math anymore. (smile!)

"Speak for yourself, chica. Anywho, what's down with the UPS?"

Hahahaha! Nice punwork there! Okay, let me tell you the story. Actually, it's another tale of me having blonde roots.

"Oh, goodie! Those are fun!"

You ready for this? It all started when I went to pick Kristin up at 2:30. She'd had a nice massage until 1:30, so I allowed an hour for post-massage afterglow.

"That's a real thing?"

I would think so. I know Mama always liked to laze around after I massaged her head and back, so it sounds right to me. It sounded right to her, too! So, when I got to Amanda's - which I kinda sorta recognized from the Rogue's going away party - we three were chatting. Kristin mentioned that she needed to go mail home a box of stuff so she wouldn't have to deal with it for her flight. I popped up with "well, we could do that now! We're just killing time until the movie starts!" Boy-o, we were off to the races then!

"What do you mean by that?"

Well, now that she knew it was happening, she hurried to get it all together! It was a h-u-g-e box, too, mostly filled with clothes and a small piece of rolling luggage. I chatted with Amanda about my missed half-year last year, and how much better I'd been, until Kristin finished. Then, we all got the box and luggage to my car - whew! Off to the UPS we went!

"Why not go to the Post Office?"

As big as that box was, I figured it would cost a small fortune to mail it from there. She agreed, so we headed to the one UPS store that I knew. Along the way, we passed one on Victory... oops! We were in the wrong lane to try to hit it, so, on we drove. Strike 1.

"Oh, yay, a little baseball humor! That means this is going to be three attempts, right?"

Ah, you know me so well! Yes, you're correct. Because when we reached the UPS store on Hodgson Memorial, the only one I knew for sure, it was g-o-n-e, gone. Gone! I would learn later that it had been gone for about three years! LOL! And strike 2.

"So, how did you find the other? Oh, yeah, you had your Nuvi in case you couldn't find Amanda's place, right?"

I did! But it didn't come to that. Kristin looked it up on her phone and found one over near Fresh Market area. It gave us whack-a-doodle directions to it, and it turned out to be in the shopping center with the closed Lucky's, but we found it! Swing and a hit!!!

"What a lucky break!"

Yes, but now we were way down Abercorn, near DeRenne. The movie was at AMC 11, at the part of Abercorn past the Savannah Mall. Time was going to be tight. The piece of luggage needed to be in the box, then the package needed to be sealed, then the address had to be put on it and it weighed and postage affixed...

"... definitely crunch time..."

So, I sent Barbara a message to let her know... an unwarranted message, as it turned out. That young woman behind the counter was so very efficient! She had it all wrapped up tight and was printing the label/postage for it as the message traversed the ether! Next thing I knew, we were in the car and headed south to the cinema, actually arriving right on time! We even beat Barbara there!

"Good deal!"

Indeed! Now, gotta go, the movie's about to start. More later!

"I'm gonna hold you to that!"

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