Monday, November 6, 2023

almost named like a resort island, isn't he?

"Just who would that be?"

And to think: I was just talking about him on Friday night with Tomasz! The movie just seen was mined from the same mother lode as another "errant father meets his kids" film that I'd recently watched. I was so sure that Tomasz had brought it for us at Cinema Savannah, but he was truly perplexed and no one else remembered it at all.

"As he told you, sometimes he even forgets where he viewed a film, he sees so many."

True, true, I get that as it happens to me, too. But I had been so very sure...

"Well, riddle me this: just what actor are you talking about?"

The one whose name sounds like a resort island!

"Do you mean Taika Waititi? Hahahaha! I guess it's just a case of switching a few letters to go from that to Waika Tahiti!!! That's funny!"

(smile!) Right?! He's such a talented guy and definitely puts a twist on his work!

"Very true, all of that. And that movie with him as the dad who deserted his family to play in a band, then returned to dig up the yard for buried treasure? That movie, "Boy", was from 2010, my dear. It may well be that Tomasz never heard of it. You saw it a few months ago."

Oh, wow. That's right, it was on my own little Element TV.

"So it was. And what had been the name of the CinemaSav film on Friday?"

That was "Scrapper" and it was a British flick that tackled a similar subject from a sideways stance. Geez, that's a whole lotta sibilance going on right there! Anyway, the topic, truly, is the expectation that society puts upon estranged parents and children to form an instant and binding relationship just by dint of DNA. It doesn't matter if the father and daughter never lived in the same house, or that she is now a tween and he still acts like the immature teen he was when she was born. They should be able to just have a parent-child bond, like magic. It's hard enough for that bond to form in families where all have always lived together! Like I said, it's a tricky subject that doesn't get enough discussion.

"Hey, where your dos amigas with you? Was this at SavCultArtsCen?"

Yes, and yes! So we had a bit of time to all enjoy "Beyond Sight" before Kal joined us for the movie. I really liked the exhibit, as it combined three-dimensional Suessian soft sculptures with video art and with sound. The central theme was synaesthesia, the brain's merging of one type of sensory input into another.

"Like your brain thinking that the taste of strawberries is the visual color red?"

Exactly! This art sought to have touch associated with vision, or vision with sound. I really liked that the signage all bore this message: "Touch, but please be gentle." Art that wanted to be touched!!! That's singing my song!

"It most certainly was! you must have touched everything in there!"

Well, almost everything... I didn't touch Barbara or Sandy! LOL!

"So, just why was Taika Waititi on your mind tonight?"

I just saw his new movie!!! I remember seeing a preview for it some time back and telling myself that I really wanted to see it. Then, tonight, I was at the first AMC Unseen event, where they screened a film that wasn't yet out... and it was THAT movie!!! I was over the moon!!! What a good risk, that really paid off in entertainment!

"Were your amigas there for this one?"

Barbara was! I don't know that she was as into it as I was, as it was a sporting movie. It was about the American Samoa futbol team and was based on their true story. Just amazing!!!

"Very cool! You'll have to get Bonnie to keep an eye out for it. What was it called?"

"Next Goal Wins", of all things. That's because the team had never made a single goal, much less ever won a game. But they were just happy to play, right? The mayor wanted them to just score one point, just one, so they hired a coach who had been a pro player. That led to a game against Tonga in 2011. I'm telling you, I'll gladly see this again!

"And did Taika have a role in it?"

Of course! He was the preacher in American Samoa! Barbara didn't even recognize him. I told her all you have to do is look for his laughing eyes. It's like he has a perpetual inside joke going with the Universe about us silly humans. I'd be willing to wager he does!

"Maybe he'll write about that some time."

Perhaps! (smile!)

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