Monday, November 6, 2023

gift cards feeding me favorites!

Lately I've been feeling financially strapped.
Sure, the house insurance woes have had me paying out more than planned...
and 'tis the season for car insurance renewal...
and 'tis the season for property taxes to be paid to county and to city...
and all conspired to lend an air of "poor, poor me" to my mindset.
A special treat was called for, and a special treat I would have.
That's exactly why I keep a few gift cards handy!
Nothing like a trip Chili's to perk me up!
I had missed out on the chips and salsa from the Friday Fiesta groove and found myself craving that food.
Ta dah!!!
My luncheon included that Big Mouth Chicken Crispers Sandwich which I'd never had, but will again.
Plus, I celebrated the advent of warmer weather with a tall cool one of lemonade -
ah, perfection in a glass!
Yes, that's how I spent some of the time on Saturday between the early rise for the fascia painting and the late view of "The Hobbit".
Today, I again found myself wanting a special treat.
After all, it's a Monday, and even as a retiree it still felt more like a Monday than a Saturday.
(Hey, my stepdad started that inside joke.
Just be glad I kept the energizer bunny out of it!)
So, the trick was to figure out which credit card reward to use.
Seafood... yes, I wanted seafood for my luncheon.
That meant Red Lobster.
Naturally, that brought the bfe to mind, as that's one of our food spots.
I sent the photo of the biscuits...
so fresh and pillowy and hot!
By the time I had inhaled two of them, he and I had confirmed that we'd be meeting next week.
Which day will be decided later.
Right then, I had this Salior's Feast before this sailor, and feast upon it I did!
I even brought the flounder home for another meal.
Yes, I think I'm all better now.
I'm certainly better fed!

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