Thursday, November 23, 2023

happy first thanksgiving, theo

Hey, just thought I should go ahead and get that out into the open!
You know how it is: babies and pets tend to take over at family gatherings, or any event.
That was certainly the case today.
So, here's the star of the show, with his 27-year-old Daddy!
This here is his mom, Hannah.
She's a quarter of a century to The Pip's 6 months.
Why do I call the baby The Pip?
Her last name is Pippins, so that nickname just fits!
She gets a kick out of it, so that's the sobriquet I'll use for him.
You're asking me if I held the baby?
Please, you know me better than that.
Mary and Smitty held their third grandchild repeatedly.
That's right, Theo is the third, and completes the cycle.
Each of their kids has now become a parent in their twenties.
Here's their first grandchild, Caitlyn, with her mom, Christy.
This one will be 17 in December and has just finished high school.
The pandemic really helped Caitlyn out, as she was able to concentrate on her studies and get the work d-o-n-e.
She's already had some college classes, too.
Here's hoping she keeps that momentum up -
she wants to be a veterinarian and that takes more schooling than for a regular MD!
What about Team Kobe?
Well, Zach and his 13-year-old son didn't make it this year.
I wonder if they would have held the baby?
Christy and Caitlyn did; Mary and Smitty did; and of course Tyler and Hannah did.
Not me... but would I have been the only holder holdout had they been there?
That's a question for another time!
For now, Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I'm going to watch "Planes, Trains, And Automobiles" from 1987, on Pluto, and see how I like that free movie app.

Blessings to you!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Pluto is very nice!

Yes, it had commercials, but they were well-spaced in short breaks.
Also, it went straight into the movie for at least twenty minutes, so that was very good.
Also, there were no medicare or lawyer 'mercials - that was GREAT!!!

Yes, I'll gladly watch movies on Pluto again!