Sunday, November 26, 2023

post-Thanksgiving - the weekend

That would be Saturday and Sunday, with yesterday being the former.
Bugs Bunny was on yesterday morn.
I am grateful to have not had anywhere I needed to be this weekend.
The weather has taken a dip into the 40's at night, with the 30's due in a couple of days.
Rather, in a couple of nights.
No, I'm not happy about it, but it could be worse, as I well know.
Meanwhile, I had nowhere calling me out, so I stayed in, going through closets, going through cabinets, filling the recycle bag.
Admittedly, I've been doing that a lot of late.
So what have I unearthed and deemed worthy of keeping?
One item was from my first niece, a Valentine's Day card.
She'd given it to me in 2014, while we were in Daytona Beach, having a holiday, and she had surprised me with the card.
But that wasn't the most special thing about it...
she had written a poem, a poem just for me!
Yes, I'll be holding on to that, as I will this postcard.
Sent from Spain in 2014 by Jill Harboldt, a nurse and one of my former students, it sings praises of my teaching!
She had toured the Basilica De La Sagrada Familia, an unfinished church with a combined style of Gothic and Art Nouveau, unfinished because the architect, Antoni Gaudi, died in 1926, six years into the ambitious project.
She was impressed with how he balanced everything out "not unlike a chemistry equation."
Yes, I'm keeping that, too.
Speaking of combining odd elements - hahaha, a chemistry pun! - I have been doing that with food.
Mary and Smitty sent me home with a container full of turkey and ham, plus a container of desserts and a plate of side dishes.
This Coconut Curry Korma has smoked turkey, green beans, the yellow bell pepper from Asbury Memorial, and an apple, with a toasted tortilla to scoop it up.
That finished off the turkey from them.
I'd already had a sandwich with turkey, ham, and squash casserole (which was surprisingly tasty and moist); pumpkin pie and fried turkey breast for brunch Friday; and turkey pasta soup for breakfast yesterday.
That left just one of the side dishes: the baked sweet potato, which I heated and used as the bed for the turkey frank in the wrap that served as breakfast today.
I really wouldn't mind eating any of those meals again!
And here's something that I've done yet again: watched "That Thing You Do!".
That's my $1 Weekend Movie Night reward this time around.
Get this coincidence: it's the second movie I've seen this weekend that features Tom Hanks and Steve Zahn!
Not a deliberate move on my part!
I had no idea that Zahn was in "You've Got Mail", which I watched on Tubi yesterday morning... and I had forgotten he was in TTYD.
Right place, right time.

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