Thursday, September 5, 2024

... and deep, too!

I blame Genie for bringing that joke to mind!
She posted this meme on her fb page, with the caption "Why does this tree look like it's sneaking out of the woods?".
My response had been that it was just going skinny dipping in that water.
Then Tom Lewis said, "That water looks cold", and my immediate response had been, "and deep, too!"
That had been one of my favorite jokes when I was in the Navy.
Here goes: Two guys are pissing off a bridge, and one says, "That water sure is cold!"
To which the other, not to be outdone, replied justthatfast, "And deep, too!"
Must be time to post a few jokes!
Here's one from Rhonda.
What with Dragon*Con having recently come and gone, this one's timely.
Also, the US Post Office presented a series of stamps last month to mark the 50th anniversary of Dungeons & Dragons... and I ordered two sheets of them today.
One is for me; the other is for the J-Dawg as a house-warming gift.
He's one of the few I know who still use the mail to send missives.
In the photo, the manhole cover proclaims "TELEPORT", but the caption reads, "I stood there all day. Lying bastards."
Danny Beam posted this one with...
is that Baby Yoda?...
singing and getting the lyrics wrong.
"Footlose, pet goose,
picked a fight with a moose,
stiff breeze, 
look out, there are ten bees!"
I've scrambled some words up sometimes, but not that badly!
And I can always count on Hallie, 
the sis-in-law of my sis-in-law Mary, 
for a chuckle.
This one riffs on a John Lennon tune.
"Imagine there's no thunder,
it's easy if you try.
No hellish noises
coming from the sky.
Imagine all the people
not using fireworks..."
And there's the dog in the front row telling his buddy, "This song gets me every time."
Maybe he needs some of the doggy drugs that Mary gives Buddy to keep him calm during holiday nights and thunderstorms!
Got room for one more?
Sure, you do, especially since it's from a former radio jock like Jay Sinclair!
In fact, let's dedicate this to another former deejay, my ex, a devoted KISS fan!
The scene: a doctor's office.
The patient is sitting on one of those horrid metal tables when the doctor, holding a clipboard, comes in and says, "How's your energy level?"
The long-haired, bald pate, patient, dressed as a rocker from the early 80's, replies:
"I want to rock & roll on occasion, 
and party every once in a while."
Go on, click that link - ya know ya want to!
And turn it up!!!

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