Friday, September 6, 2024

beauty of a gas stove!

"Did you lose power or something?"

Nope! I toasted some marshmallows for dessert!

"Hahahaha! Now, that's funny!!! Looks more like 'burning' than toasting!"

I'm serious! You know darned well they're delicious when they've been on fire!

"Yeah, I know. That's because you're too impatient to wait for them to slowly toast."

You may be right about that. Having them the other night has really started me up about these simple sugar bombs. So good! So uncomplicated! So easy! A perfect dessert.

"Yes, dear."

They are! Low-cal, too. Which is probably needed after those Chicken Nachos.

"Oh, yeah, now you're talkin'! Was that at the S&K Family Fiesta?"

You know it! Shredded chicken, tortilla chips, and cheesy sauce - delicious! If not for everyone there, I'd have licked the platter clean!

"Hahahaha! Yeah, I know. Good for you to eat around others so you remember some manners every once in a while."

Very funny. Speaking of, I may have caused some paradigm shift there tonight.

"Oh? Do tell."

Well, I had Mary's attention and I asked why we sit as we do there, with all the women on one side of the table and all the men on the other. Laura piped up and said that's the way it's been as long as she's been there and she had wondered why, too. Mary told us that there was no real reason for it, it just kinda sorta happened, with her and Smitty taking opposite sides after they got there and everyone else sitting accordingly.

"Mary actually said 'kinda sorta' and all that?"

No, I was paraphrasing.

"Okay, just askin', 'cause it sounded like you, not her..."

... Mind if I finish my story? "Thank you, thank you so very much," as Deputy Chief Brenda Leigh Johnson would say.

"You're still watching "The Closer" on Peacock? I would have thought you'd finished off that series by now, as long as you've been watching it."

I don't binge watch. That just might overload my senses. I just watched s6e8, "War Zone", this afternoon, about three soldiers home on leave get killed when one is mistaken for his twin, gang hoodlum, brother. A few days ago, I watched a really funny one, s6e4, "Layover", in which Lieutenants Lou Provenza and Andy Flynn try to score with two flight attendants. Mind, they are the two oldest guys on the squad, but they fancy themselves still the studs they once were. Very funny! I just may watch it again sometime!

"Yes, dear. Now, what were you saying about dinner conversation tonight?"

About what? Oh, yes, the division of the sexes at Jalapenos of Sandfly. Yes. Well, it ended up with Mary announcing to the table that we would be switching it up next week. Yes, she did! And then she reminded everyone before we left that we'd be changing the sitting order next Friday - for real!!! I didn't think to mention that would be Friday the 13th. That's okay, as I'm sure that will come up.

"I'll be interested in hearing how that works out. I know several there are trying to match make with you and Mark, as y'all are similar ages and single."

Yes, they are. I had a chat with Laura about that after the parrot-head party. I closed by telling her that I wouldn't mind meeting him for dinner somewhere, and that satisfied her. So, I'm sure that has made the rounds now. Or, maybe not. Who knows?

"Who knows? The Shadow knows. Hahahaha! Hey, hold up! Is the stove light on? Already? I mean, it's only September, so the fuse for the attic fan should still be out. Right?"

Nope. I put it back in on Wednesday morning, just to check, and the attic fan stayed off. Hooray! Nice to have that clock again, too, so I don't have to check my phone for the time.

"The temperatures are already cool enough for that???"

Yes, believe it or not. Just look at this WSAV weather song, would ya? It's been highs in the low 80's, with no heat index, since Tuesday. Over the weekend, Savannah will have highs in the 70's and lows in the 60's. I don't know that I'm quite ready for that... but it sure is nice to be able to use the stove light again. Change, the one constant in life.

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