Monday, September 2, 2024

let there be.... sushi!!!

That itch has been thoroughly scratched!
When the physicist arrived for our luncheon and asked if I had a hankering for anything in particular, sushi immediately leapt to mind!
That meant I had to tell him about seeing the documentary about the octogenarian again, the one we'd seen together so long ago.
Yes, he remembered that one!
And when he asked where to dine, I said "the place on Montgomery Cross Road", and he'd said, "oh, that's a good place, but I never remember which way its name goes."
That's when the correct order, and the name, popped up for me: Sushi Time Towa.
Yes!!! I love that place, though I haven't been in years!
They even had a luncheon special that looked very good to me...
ah, too bad it's only or Monday through Thursday.
That's when the J-Dawg said, "What day do you think today is?" 
Pause... wasn't it Sunday?
No, yesterday was Sunday, right, since I watched Billy's sermon "live" on youTube...
so, today must be Monday???
But it was Labor Day... which is always on a Monday!!!

So we both dined for $18.95 on the sumptuous feast provided by one weekday special!
Salad with ginger dressing, a beautifully-plated California roll, two pieces of tempura shrimp, two pieces of tempura vegetables, a generous helping of teriyaki chicken with vegetables, and a pillowy mound of white rice - and the waiter even brought us an extra plate to split it!
Plus, we had lots of talking, too!
He's working on contacting his subconscious mind and I told him about my blog chats with myself and how helpful that is for working through issues.
I also told him that there's a T. S. Eliot line that helps trigger talks with my inner mind.
"Terrence this is stupid stuff, you eat your victuals fast enough."
[Though, just now, when I looked it up, I discovered I've credited the wrong poet.
I should have said A. E. Housman instead.]
"In fact," I told him, "I need to contact my subconscious about this loss adjustment problem I am having that has my sleep schedule screwed up."
So, we talked about Barbara and Kal, about that case still rocking on because the phones are locked, about my apparent need to have some resolution, about me waking up at least six times last night, about me being up until 2:30 AM or later and that causing me to wake up later than I like.

At least "Toon In With Me" had a theme of movie genres this morning, so I got see chuckle at Daffy Duck as a detective in a 1952 film noir spoof called "The Super Snooper".
That alone should have clued me in that it was a weekday, right?
That show isn't on Saturday or Sunday.
And, yet... it took the bfe's asking me "What day do you think today is?"
What a fine way to spend a couple of hours today: in his company!

I'd already started out with a fine breakfast, using a chunk of leftover cheeseburger with lettuce and kosher dill pickle slices.
Thank you, Tony and Laura, for that party yesterday!

Then, for dinner tonight, I polished off the half-rack of ribs my other brother had brought with him to the Friday Fiesta at Jalapenos.
Smitty had texted first to confirm that I would be there.
Hooray for ribs for Labor Day!
Thank you, brother mine!
Now, I'm off to meet Carolyn at the cinema.
We're going to different movies, but it's still a chance to see each other.
I'm seeing "The Crow" again, she's seeing "Deadpool & Wolverine" once more.
What a full holiday weekend it's been!

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