Friday, September 20, 2024

spreading sunshine for cloudy days...

The first yellow mini-bush was planted for Mama.

Mind, those were "permanent" flowers, so no water or care will be needed.

That's an inside joke she and I have shared for several decades.


Why am I so far back from the Barry plot?

I've been picking up red and white flowers that were shredded by the mowers at Greenwich.

Yep, called out for trash detail!

Next up was Jean Marie's place.

Concerned about what the mowing machine might have wrought there, I was pleased to find her name plate intact.

I guess the tall purple irises are catching the eyes of the yard crew there!

Someone had been there and cleaned off the dragonfly paver, being sure to place the broken edges together.

I appreciate that!

The yellow spray lent a bit of sunshine there at ground level, didn't it?

Then it was time to take to flowers over to Ronnie's.

It was low tide there at Bull River, so I saw more 'beach' than usual.

I noticed the yard crew had cut back the bushes, so his pier was much easier to espy.

I thought about placing the yellow mini-bush in amongst the rocks, but opted for near the bushes.

Yes, that will serve to brighten the area, but not distract the fishermen that visit.

Get my drift?

(That pun is for him!)

I have more flowers for them for the upcoming months.

Michael's had them on sale, so I had carefully selected several different types and colors, to have a bit of variety.

Why had that store been my choice?

The craft store sent me a $5 loyalty reward, plus I scored another $5 in exchange for points on AARP.

Altogether, after the discounts and gift card, the fifteen sprays cost me $5.54, including tax.

Right place, right time.

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