Thursday, September 12, 2024

flashback: toffee

No, this video is not of my dear dog...
but it certainly could have been.
The coloration of the dog is what first caught my attention.
This one lacked the mascara'ed eyes of Toffee, 
but had a similar build and size.
That joyful enthusiasm exhibited by the animal, though - 
I certainly remembered my girl acting that way!
I'd brought her back to the States with me when 
Keith and I transferred from Panama to Pensacola 
for more 'C' school with the Navy.
Toffee had never been anywhere that had temperatures 
below 70 F and she was delighted to discover the 
60's and 50's that fall of 1980.
"Look at me!," her happy face and wagging tail would say
on our evening walks, "I'm not even panting!"
Ah, such glorious times those were!
Then, one morning, I woke to find she'd died of heart failure.
At least I knew she'd enjoyed herself on that last stroll.
Still, it broke my heart that my three-year-old was gone.
How fortunate that her spirit lives in this joyful dog!

1 comment:

faustina said...

Shout out to mi amiga, Sandy, for posting that link on fb!
I have the video on my page there and will most likely leave it up for a while.
Such joy!!!