Friday, March 4, 2022

birthdays of beaufort boys in alabama

Today was Conner's 14th birthday.
He's the one clad in purple in this year-old photo lifted from fb.
My half-brother, Michael, who looks so much like Ronnie (who looked so much like Daddy) that it's clear he must be a Smith kid, is standing beside him, one arm draped on his shoulder.
Aubree, the only girl in the group, is the niece who shares my birthday, a gift to me from my other half-brother, Matthew, not shown here.
Aubree favors her mom's side of the family.
Her dad, Matthew, bears a strong resemblance to his Uncle Wayne, Bonnie's brother, lending credence to my theory of siblings having children that look like a sibling of the same sex.
And that tall youngster with the curly hair and glasses is Merritt, who turned 16 on Christmas.
He's driving and has a job now!
Let me tell you about his birthday gift first.
"Happy 15th birthday! I do so hope you you will enjoy this gift as much as I have over the last 14 years! Seriously! The two best friends in this are perfect; I hope you'll agree!"
"P.S. I episode is a little jittery, but I think it's okay now. My bfe gave it to me as well as four more seasons to be given to you at a future date. I haven't seen the behind-the-scenes stuff, so you'll have to let me know how they are. 
Oh... watch out for pineapples!!!"
Merritt received the complete first season - all four DVDs - of "Psych", as the photograph shows.
(And, yes, I got his age wrong.)
Now, let's fast forward to Conner's birthday!
"Wishing you an amazing 14th birthday and an even more amazing year ahead! 
Hope you enjoy your gifts!"
"P.S. Michael Keaton is my favorite Batman ever. The 2-DVD set is brand-new and has been in my movie cupboard for years... waiting to go to you! 
(Plus, I already had an earlier copy of the movie.)"
"P.P.S. Hope you and Merritt are enjoying getting "Psych"-ed out!"
So, that's the complete - all four DVDs - second season of the show all about Shawn and Gus... which, perhaps I had promised to Merritt, right?
And, with "The Batman" currently in the cinemas, the timeliness of having the "Batman" special edition set will surely chalk up extra points for Aunt Tina... I hope!
As for when any of these will be viewed, well, that remains to be seen.
(Got that little pun I slipped in there? LOL!)
My stepmom Bonnie told me both boys have had fever and sore throat this week.
Post-nasal drip is a bear, and reason enough for me to take Zyrtec nearly year round.
In addition to being ill, both boys have school and going to the gym, plus Merritt is working 6 hours a day, 4 days a week, and Michael works 12-hour shifts Friday through Sunday.
As Bonnie said, "movie night is just not happening around here."
I guess they'll have to wait until summer!

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