Saturday, March 19, 2022

finally seeing my first niece again!

The last time she and I saw each other was the last Wednesday in December of 2021.
How do I recall that so vividly?
Well, it's partly because I had pre-sold our planned meeting - that's radio lingo for talking about the next song that will be coming up after a break.
(Hey, I had to have picked up some of the lingo after being married to a disc jockey for fifteen years!)
Here we are after seeing "Sing 2", with Christina and I trying to have a talk while Miyah and Chloe wanted this and that.
Usual situation!
Today, we finally broke our dry spell and met up for the first time this year - hooray!
Funny, she doesn't look a year older!
Well, that's because she had already completed most of that lap around the sun last year and had less than three months to finish in 2022, right?
I had packaged her 39-for-the-first-time birthday gifts in a tall, black, paper bag.
She's holding one of the two musicals I'd helped kickstart with Mama's money after Frank died, so, as I told Christina in the card, these gifts come not only from me, but also from her Grammy and Pop.
That makes them super special!
And can you read the title?
Yep, it's "Sudden Death!" alright, and she even remarked on John Larroquette being in it!
How about that?!
I would have bet she was too young to know who he was!
So, I told her how he came to be in this musical little short in which everyone dies.
She loves that it's only about twenty minutes long, so she can easily carve out the time to watch it when the girls are napping.
I think she'll love the catchy little tunes, too!
And guess what?
As soon as she saw the dvd cover, she immediately recognized Emily Browning, the lead singer and actress in "God Help The Girl"!
That's the full-length musical portion of her gift.
Remember that one, from the folks in England?
That's the musical that had its premiere in Tallahassee a few years back, the musical that the physicist had gone with me to see as well as my cousin Penny.
Maybe she and I can watch the two musicals together some time, maybe when the girls are having a sleepover at their cousins' house... now, that's a fine idea!
Speaking of the girls, there they are!
They went to the two-hour "Disney On Ice" show earlier, along with Dad and Bubba, then all came to the Cici's for pizza, pizza, pizza!
That's were I had joined them!
Chris and CJ had left before I took this picture, so I didn't get to snap one with them, but I did catch the girls playing with the dolls they got as souvenirs from the skating show.
That's why Christina and I thought we could catch some quality time, just us two... what silly geese we were!
Like the kids would stand for that - hahahaha!
Well, hopefully our next meeting will be sooner rather than later!

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