Tuesday, March 22, 2022

plain, yellow, wrapper

Even though there was nothing distinguishing about the package's exterior, I knew from whence it came without looking at the label: the Savannah Bananas.
They're the only ones in town using that shade of yellow.
I had actually thought of calling them earlier today, to find out when they might have mailed the merchandise I'd ordered...
and then the mail arrived and there was that beacon, glowing practically amidst all the junk mail and requests from charities.
Such a welcome and cheery sight!
Good timing, too!
I have spent the past few days with constructive projects, trying to anticipate and get accomplished anything important that might need done in the weeks after my surgery on the 31st.
That's because I know I will be stoo-pid from the anesthesia and would rather not have to fix mistakes I make under the influence of those drugs.
So what kinds of projects have I tackled?
Well, the Federal and Georgia taxes, for one; I started those last Wednesday, then triple-checked all of it before sending it off Saturday night.
That was a big relief!
I've also caught up the business tax paperwork for Smitty, spending a solid three hours on that task.
Good news on that front: he'll be 62 in July and is closing the business at the end of June!
(I think partly that is because his son has usurped his company name, so it will be easier on the customers if there is only one "Smitty's Hardwood" in town.)
I've also tackled GEICO three times - by online chat, by email, and by phone - to question why my rate increased 18% for this next six months.
"Oh," they said, "it's because of where you live and how much car parts cost now."
That's just drivel. 
So, with no relief from them, I've looked into auto insurance from other sources and hope to make a final decision this coming week.
I've also been working on the various legal documents that are part of my Trust.
That's a more monumental task than I had thought, mostly because I have been operating under the assumption that I had more of it done than I do.
Over the years since it was created, I've had a couple of sessions with Smith & Barid and, like I said, thought more was complete than incomplete.
At least I have it funded... but I need to get papers finalized.
Part of the extra complication is trying to make sure I take care of the investors who helped me get the patent on my invention.
That's very important, especially as the patent has been approved since January 4th.
I even went to the web blog that For Sale By Inventor had set up more than four years ago - yes, that's how long it takes to get a patent, so be prepared, dreamers!
That blog makes use of Wordpress, a format I'm not adept with, so I have elected to start a new blog over here in Blogspot.
The very first post is all about how I developed the idea for The Periodic Table For The Visually Impaired, which I think of as the Elements Of Touch Periodic Table.
(Trust me, I googled the name before I chose it all those years ago, not wanting students or teachers to look for it and wind up directed to pornography. What a relief to find the name was clean!)
Future posts will introduce how to best utilize my invention to better understand how atoms - whether of the same or different elements - bond together to form molecules.
I am sure all chemistry students will find this to be very helpful in their studies and I'm hoping it will encourage more students to take chemistry for a better understanding of the world around them.
Whew! That's been quite a bit of work!
Now, just why had I started with talk of baseball?
Because that's what's on the shirt!
When I had first seen the limited-edition t-shirt promoting the Savannah Bananas World Tour of Banana Ball, I had mistaken those bright green areas for seaweed.
I had! 
And I had thought, "what a lovely reference to the Atlantic Ocean!"
I had!
Then I realized those were the stitches in a baseball... d'oh!
And I bought it anyway.
If nothing else, I'll have a nice story to tell about why I have it.
Now, time to get ready for the physicist to fetch me!
We're having dinner and a movie tonight!

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